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2021-05-12 |
wheezing |
Patient complain of slight headacke, dizziness, O2 sat 97, Pulse 76, Resp. 24, was assessed by nurse...
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Patient complain of slight headacke, dizziness, O2 sat 97, Pulse 76, Resp. 24, was assessed by nurse for10minutes, patient begins to cough with wheezing noted, states " I am feeling my throat funny, no respiratory distress noted, continued to be monitored for another 10 minutes, no changes noted, states, I am feeling a bit tight in my chest, O2 sat at 96-97%, BP 124/58 was taken to ER via EMS for evaluation at 14:35p
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2021-05-14 |
throat tightness |
5 minutes after receiving the injection his mouth was itching. 7 minutes after his throat started cl...
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5 minutes after receiving the injection his mouth was itching. 7 minutes after his throat started closing up. 8 minutes after the pharmacist gave him one Benadryl and at 9 minutes 911 was called. He was given meds and oxygen then taken to the emergency room where he was monitored for 4 hours.
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2021-05-16 |
respiratory rate increased |
From ED Note: 12 year old male with PMH of asthma on flovent, food allergies with epi-pen (has not r...
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From ED Note: 12 year old male with PMH of asthma on flovent, food allergies with epi-pen (has not required this) and pre-syncope/syncope who presents with concern for loss of consciousness and possible seizure-like activity following a COVID vaccine. Mom notes that he was in his usual state of health when he presented to COVID clinic to get his first vaccine. He got the Pfizer vaccine, seconds after getting in his left arm, mom noted that he looked very "wide eyed" and distraught. She notes that he slumped forward and had lost consciousness for approximately 5 seconds. She noticed shaking movements in his right arm and bilateral lower legs. She notes that his left arm was against her and therefore cannot comment on it. She notes that his eyes were closed. No tongue biting and no incontinence. No secondary trauma. She notes that when these 5 seconds were over he then had a period for about 30 minutes where he looked pale and was breathing heavy but was alert and answering questions. She notes that he has had presyncopal episodes and episodes of feeling faint when getting flu shots in the past. However, this time she noted that he had shaking which made her nervous for possible seizure activity. Patient denies any chest pain or headache prior to the symptoms. She came via ambulance for further evaluation. On arrival, he reports that he feels 90% back to his baseline. He notes that he does not feel quite ready to run around yet however denies any pains or discomforts, headache, weakness, numbness, or tingling. He had eaten a full breakfast prior to getting the shot. He had a normal night sleep and a normal day yesterday per mom. Medical History: as above Surgical history: none Family History: Reviewed and no pertinent related family hx pertaining to this visit Social History: Lives with family Allergies: food allergies Medications: flovent, epi-pen Immunizations: Up to date Medical Decision Making 12 year old male with PMH of asthma on flovent, food allergies with epi-pen (has not required this) and pre-syncope/syncope who presents with concern for loss of consciousness and possible seizure-like activity following a COVID vaccine. On arrival, he was alert, well-appearing, in no acute distress. His vital signs were normal for age on room air. His physical exam was very reassuring as above with a normal neurologic and cardiac evaluation. Differential includes vasovagal/syncope in the setting of a known stressful trigger vs seizure given report of shaking in his extremities. We feel the latter is significantly less likely given the timeline of the events. Has no known seizure activity nor any triggers per history (fever, trauma, etc.). He also has a normal neurologic assessment. At this time we will defer neurology consults given low concern for seizure. It is possible that this represents a side effect of the vaccine however we also feel that this is less likely given the fact that his symptoms have been seconds after receiving the vaccine. Nonetheless we reported the symptoms to the pharmacist who recorded it in the database. We attained an EKG showing a known incomplete right bundle branch block (unchanged from 2013) and a slightly prolonged QTC of 477 (previously 451). I encourage patient to stay well-hydrated, well rested in the setting of his suspected syncopal episode this morning. I also suggested that for further vaccinations, that he lay down on the table and drink/eat well prior. We provided strict return to ED criteria in the setting of worsening symptoms. All questions were answered at the time of discharge. Mom verbalized her understanding and agreement of the plan. He was discharged in a stable condition with mom at side. **After patient was discharged, cardiology called the follow-up team due to the prolonged QTC to ensure that we were aware. I contacted the patient's PCP to do a follow-up EKG in 1 month's time.
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2021-05-20 |
shortness of breath |
12 yo male presenting with bilateral lower extremity paresthesias and confusion. Admitted to the ho...
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12 yo male presenting with bilateral lower extremity paresthesias and confusion. Admitted to the hospital. Pending discharge to rehab facility. ED Note 5/19/21 Patient is a 12-year-old male with hypogammaglobulinemia, asthma, IBS who presents with weakness in his lower extremities. 6 days ago, patient had seafood and later that night vomited once, nonbloody, nonbilious. 4 days ago, he received the first dose of the Pfizer SARS-CoV2 vaccination. That day, he also felt some burning over the anterior parts of his bilateral ankles. Over the past 3 days, he has been sleeping a lot and had a headache. He has not had a fever or other muscle aches, no subsequent N/V, abdominal pain. Last night, he reported ankle pain to his mom. Today at school, he was playing kickball when he had the sensation that his ankles were not working/gave out and he fell to the ground. He had difficulty getting up and required a wheelchair. He did not lose consciousness, denied CP, palpitations, SOB, headache, vision change during or before that episode. He was not incontinent of urine/stool and had no abnormal movements noted at the time. Since then he has noted twitching in his thighs, calves and toes. He reports weakness throughout both lower extremities and has difficulty with intentional movements at the toes/ankles/knees, weakness in hips. He reports a burning sensation over the anterior ankles/dorsum of foot b/l. Denies fevers, chills, cough, SOB, CP, palpitations, abdominal pain, N/V/C. He endorses diarrhea 3x daily which is his baseline. He has panic attacks 3x daily w palpitations/SOB that self resolve. He has been on keflex for an ingrown toe nail for the last week. MRI performed with normal brain and spine. However, on repeat exam patient has diminished sensation in the bilateral feet and diminished ability to dorsiflex or plantarflex both ankles with very limited toe range of motion. Still with preserved reflexes in the patella and Achilles. Discussed at length with neurology and the family. Differential diagnosis at this point of functional neurological disorder versus Guillaine Barré syndrome. Neurology note 5/21/21 Patient is a 12yo M with hypogammaglobinemia, IBS, and poorly controlled anxiety, presenting with 4 days of lower extremity paresthesias and 1 day of hyperacute onset of lower extremity weakness and perhaps some mild confusion. History notable for covid vaccine three days prior to presentation and anixety surrounding covid and return to school. His general examination is notable for anxious affect with difficult to localize neurologic exam. Exam shows possible bilateral lower extremity weakness of TA and hamstring>quad/IP that is very challenging to grade due to poor effort and giveway, and decreased sensation in a bilateral stocking/glove distribution to all sensory modalities. MRI w/wo contrast brain and spinal cord normal on admission. LP perfromed in ED also normal. Given negative workup and history of anxiety with recent psychosocial stressors, most likely sudden onset weakness is secondary to a functional neurologic disorder. Plan for discharge to rehab pending PT evaluation.
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2021-05-23 |
shortness of breath |
Patient was immunized with Pfizer vaccine as a minor with consent from mother. Patient had no issues...
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Patient was immunized with Pfizer vaccine as a minor with consent from mother. Patient had no issues initially with vaccine. Following 15 minutes after administration, patient noted flank pain and both sides of abdomen and also labored breathing. We called a code white in the store had management as well as pharmacist offer ambulance to patient and also monitored the patient. Mother and son left AMA and went to call patient's doctor.
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2021-05-27 |
shortness of breath, throat tightness |
The day of the vaccine his throat started to feel like it was closing. He was starting to have trou...
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The day of the vaccine his throat started to feel like it was closing. He was starting to have trouble breathing. His parent gave him some Benadryl and we waited to be observed for an hour before we left. He has not had any other problems since the vaccine and we have been advised to pre-medicate before the next dose.
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2021-05-27 |
throat tightness |
throat was closing; throat was itching; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable con...
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throat was closing; throat was itching; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable consumer (patient). This 12-year-old male patient received the first dose of bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), via an unspecified route of administration, administered in arm left on 14May2021 18:00 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as single dose for covid-19 immunisation. There was no medical history or concomitant medications. The patient previously took penicillin. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient experienced throat was itching on 14May2021 18:05 and throat was closing on 14May2021 18:08. Within 5 min of shot throat was itching, at 8 minutes throat was closing and 911 was called. The adverse event result in Emergency room/department or urgent care. Treatment received for the adverse event included Oxygen treatment, epinephrine, diphenhydramine hydrochloride (BENADRYL). The outcome of the events was recovering. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. Information about Lot/Batch number has been requested.
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2021-05-28 |
throat tightness |
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Mild
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2021-05-30 |
shortness of breath |
Significant chest pain started around 10 pm. He indicated it was sharp and intense and seemed to hav...
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Significant chest pain started around 10 pm. He indicated it was sharp and intense and seemed to have some difficulty breathing at first. For the first 30 seconds the open mouth struggling look for breath had me thinking he was choking. Breathing improved but chest pain stayed intense for about 20 minutes. He went to sleep and the next morning said ?it kind of hurt but not much?. After the morning of May 23rd he hasn?t reported any other pain.
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2021-05-31 |
asthma, shortness of breath |
Patient started to develop a cough on the second day of the vaccine around 6 pm. The cough was accom...
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Patient started to develop a cough on the second day of the vaccine around 6 pm. The cough was accompanied by shortness of breath, given his asthma we assumed this was some asthma related reaction to the vaccine. Nonetheless, that evening he started to complain about chest pain every time he laid back on his bed. This symptom is not common in previous asthma attacks. Sitting up alleviated the symptom, chest pain and shortness of breath lasted for 2 nights (Sunday and Monday evening), by Tuesday he felt better. We assumed this was an asthma episode, but recent reports of Myocarditis leads us to believe the had a mild myocarditis episode, given the chest pain while lying down. He also had typical COVID vaccine symptoms such as low grade fever (100F), pain in the vaccination site, congestion, and itchy throat.
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2021-06-01 |
choking |
After half an hour after i had left the pharmacy after the first dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine, Hamza...
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After half an hour after i had left the pharmacy after the first dose of Covid Pfizer vaccine, Hamza(12 yrs) started clutching his neck saying its on fire, tears were coming from his eyes and he started choking and coughing. He barely managed to say that his throat felt like something burning hot was pouring down. I immediately gave him cold water to drink. He drank and continued to drink in small sips for the next hour and was feeling normal in an hour. He had not eaten or drank anything after his vaccine. He had also had lunch at 3 pm, a full 2 hours before the vaccine.
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2021-06-01 |
shortness of breath |
Next day and every day thereafter he started getting more symptoms of feeling sick. The arm pain beg...
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Next day and every day thereafter he started getting more symptoms of feeling sick. The arm pain began the next day after injection. Followed by runny nose, sore throat, croup sounding cough, shortness of breath, gasping, chest pains, vomiting, back of the skull pain. He described the head pain as a square from the base of the back of his skull to the crown of his head and back down. Felt more like a pressure in the bones of his skull and less like a standard headache. The chest pains are sharp and come on sporadically. At first they were accompanied by hacking cough but then progressed to sharp chest pains at random times especially when lying down. He has difficulty sleeping and staying asleep. Also, lower abdominal pain but no vowel issues.
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2021-06-02 |
painful respiration |
Had headache & mild fever (100 on forehead) evening of vaccine but woke up on 3rd day with chest pai...
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Had headache & mild fever (100 on forehead) evening of vaccine but woke up on 3rd day with chest pains. Complained of pain when taking a deep breath and would flinch in pain. By the time got to ER in the afternoon, pain had subsided. Not sure if vaccine related but never had chest pains before & considering report of myocarditis after 2nd shot for younger males. Wanted this documented in case there is a pattern.
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2021-06-03 |
wheezing |
within 18 hours, child began with cough and wheezing, requird albuterol treatments wheezing persist...
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within 18 hours, child began with cough and wheezing, requird albuterol treatments wheezing persisted for 40 hours
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2021-06-06 |
shortness of breath |
Patient developed a blanching rash and pruritus, beginning upper body (thorax, upper arms, neck, fac...
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Patient developed a blanching rash and pruritus, beginning upper body (thorax, upper arms, neck, face, scalp). Administered benadryl 50 mg, and topical hydrocortizone 1% on affected areas. Patient reported difficulty breathing. Administered albuterol rescue inhaler multiple times. Overnight, patient slept poorly, self-administering albuterol. ------- 2021-06-06 morning, the upper body rash diminished, but moved toward the extremities (legs, forearms and hands, face and scalp). Labored breathing continued. Patient visited clinic. Patient continued benadryl and albuterol throughout the day. -------- 2021-06-07 morning. Patient reported better sleep the prior evening, with no albuterol required. Rash had largely resolved, with only minor spots. Patient reported moderate headache.
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2021-06-06 |
respiration abnormal |
Possible Vasovagal reaction. Patient was approximatly 7-10 minutes post dose. Upon video review of e...
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Possible Vasovagal reaction. Patient was approximatly 7-10 minutes post dose. Upon video review of event patient was sitting and stood, waivered (appearing dizzy), lost consciousness and collapsed to ground. Remained unconscious for under 30 seconds. Observed various muscle flexing/tension & uneven breathing. However patient never appeared to stop breathing. Patient did hit his head during fall & and was seen by EMS. During follow up patient was being seen in ED, but according to parents he appeared to be perfectly fine.
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2021-06-07 |
throat tightness |
Hives developed over L arm, neck few minutes after vaccination, patient also felt tightness throat...
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Hives developed over L arm, neck few minutes after vaccination, patient also felt tightness throat A/O x3. vital sign WNL Benadryl given 12.5mg at 11:15am
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2021-06-09 |
shortness of breath |
On 6/6 at 4pm, pt received 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. He felt fine that night, but the next d...
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On 6/6 at 4pm, pt received 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine. He felt fine that night, but the next day (Monday) woke up with a headache, which was resolved by ibuprofen 200mg. 5 hrs later, headache returned. In total, he took 3 doses of ibuprofen 200 mg that day. On Tuesday, he went on a field trip for school, during which he walked for a total of 40 min. He also went to football practice, where he did weight training and conditioning for 1 hr. He experienced no chest trauma during practice. He tolerated exercise with no dyspnea on exertion and felt perfectly normal, but when he returned home, his mom felt that he appeared unwell and his face and eyes looked swollen. At 9 pm, headache recurred but responded to ibuprofen 200 mg. This morning (Wednesday), he woke up in the early morning complaining of difficulty breathing and orthopnea. Dyspnea was improved by propping head up on more pillows. He also had headache again and received another ibuprofen 200 mg before going to the ED. Denies fever, malaise, muscle aches, chest pain, syncope, dyspnea on exertion, palpitations, URI symptoms, sore throat, cough, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vision changes, dizziness currently or since receiving the vaccine. He still endorses orthopnea but it has been improving. No recent illnesses, sick contacts, new environmental exposures, or travel recently. Admitted to Cardiac Step down with concern for troponin leak, peak at 29. Cardiac MRI confirmation of myocarditis
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2021-06-13 |
shortness of breath |
Sore arm on 5/16 , shortness of breath - mild - on 5/17 ,- child complained , but never in distress ...
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Sore arm on 5/16 , shortness of breath - mild - on 5/17 ,- child complained , but never in distress , no fever that day . SoB mild on 5/18 . Then resolved . 5/18 through 5/20 had fever / chest pain ( with tenderness to palpation on the right costochondral junction ) . Started on Motrin on 5/17 - one dose 5/18 - added on Tylenol along with Motrin , continued through 5/20. Child was better by 5/21-5/22 . Never had any hives / wheezing . Was tachycardia in 110 range on 5/18-5/20 , but was also febrile .
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2021-06-14 |
shortness of breath |
On 6/7/21 patient received Pfizer #2. Two days later started to complain of moderate chest pain and...
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On 6/7/21 patient received Pfizer #2. Two days later started to complain of moderate chest pain and SOB. Seen the next day in clinic with chest pain. Troponin found to be elevated (1.740) and CRP (4.9) with a normal EKG. After discussing with Cardiology was decided to admit patient for further work up and pain control. Admitted 6/10/21. Cardiac MRI on 6/11/21 showed peri-myocarditis. Troponin trended down over 3 days stay in hospital. Pain treated with NSAIDS, symptoms improved throughout stay. Will follow up with Cardiology in 2 weeks. No strenuous activity at this time.
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2021-06-15 |
painful respiration |
Per mom and patient, within the first 48 hours of the vaccination, the patient had fevers to 103 F w...
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Per mom and patient, within the first 48 hours of the vaccination, the patient had fevers to 103 F with chills and myalgias that responded to Tylenol. Patient has remained w/o fevers since 6/14. On 6/15, patient developed L chest pain which was reported as moderate in intensity, dull in sensation, constant and non-radiating. Pain worsened with deep breaths with no interval development of SOB, no dizziness, no lightheadedness or LOC.
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2021-06-16 |
shortness of breath |
Possible myocarditis (progressive chest pain and dyspnea starting the day of the second vaccine), cu...
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Possible myocarditis (progressive chest pain and dyspnea starting the day of the second vaccine), currently 9 days out with lab results as listed below. At the time of this submission, patient is being admitted to the hospital for further diagnostic work-up, to include echocardiogram and cardiac MRI. He
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2021-06-16 |
painful respiration |
Patient received the Pfizer vaccine on Sunday (06/13/21) and had mild upset stomach, headache and fe...
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Patient received the Pfizer vaccine on Sunday (06/13/21) and had mild upset stomach, headache and felt achey for approximately 24 hours post vaccine that then fully resolved. At approximately 4am on 06/16/21 he developed sharp substernal chest pain that was located centrally and a bit to the left with pain worse on inspiration and with movement. No other symptoms at that time. Went to the Emergency Department where he was transferred to Hospital as his troponin was elevated at 4.02 ng/ml. His chest pain resolved with 1 dose of Ibuprofen 400 mg.
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2021-06-17 |
shortness of breath |
developed chest tightness and shortness of breath this AM, saw PCP, given motrin which relieved the ...
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developed chest tightness and shortness of breath this AM, saw PCP, given motrin which relieved the pain
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2021-06-17 |
wheezing |
Wheezing and chest pain beginning one hour after shot
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2021-06-18 |
asthma |
major asthma attack; temp of 102; This is a spontaneous report from a consumer (patient parent) repo...
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major asthma attack; temp of 102; This is a spontaneous report from a consumer (patient parent) reported for son. A 12-year-old male patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) Lot number Ew0177, on 14May2021 16:00 at single dose in left arm (at the age of 12-year-old) for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included asthma. The patient had no Known allergies. The patient had no covid prior vaccination. The patient had no covid tested post vaccination. Concomitant medication was not reported. The patient had seen his pulmonologist the day before and had a really good check up for his asthma. He had his shot on 14May2021. On 16May2021 he had temp of 102. On early hours of 17May2021 he had major asthma attack. Reporter was very well educated in how to help with an asthma attack. So didnt need to seek medical attention. But it took several nebulizer treatments, couple days a prednisone to get him back to his base line. His temperature lasted a total for 4 days and missed 5 days of school. Reporter did call his pulmonologist for directions on what to do. The outcome of major asthma attack was resolved in 2021. The outcome of temp of 102 was resolved on 20May2021.
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2021-06-21 |
respiration abnormal, acute respiratory failure |
12 y.o. male patient with history of developmental delay, seizure disorder who presented to the emer...
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12 y.o. male patient with history of developmental delay, seizure disorder who presented to the emergency department today with acute encephalopathy, unresponsive with bradycardia, V-tach requiring defibrillation, and acute respiratory failure requiring intubation. The family had been traveling and vacationing with extended family members and recently returned Saturday night. No sick contacts during the trip and he recently received his second COVID-19 vaccine on June 5th. On Sunday, June 20th, he had cold symptoms with stuffy nose, sneezing and minimal oral intake. Mother gave him 10ml of a multi-symptom OTC cold medication that evening. Unsure what is in the medication or if it contains Benadryl. This morning, he had an 11am swim lesion and then came back and slept on the couch. Still minimal oral intake and was resting all day long but awake most of the time. This evening at 5:43pm per mother, he received another 10ml of the multi-symptom cold medication. He was given his Vimpat and Valproic Acid medications around 7:30pm. Around 8:20/8:25pm, he was asleep and had an emesis and was not responding In the ED, he was unresponsive and poor respiratory effort with episodes of apnea and was incontient of stool during the exam. He was brought to the resuscitation room, PIV placed x2. Placed on oxygen initially. Ativan given once for possible seizure. Epinephrine given for bradycardia. Noted V-tach on rhythm. Second Epi given, started Epinephrine infusion and Shock given 2J/kg. Cardiology at bedside. Rocuronium and Etomidate given for intubation. He was intubated on the second attempt with 6.0c ETT.
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Had the vaccine on Saturday and on Tuesday afternoon, felt very dizzy, became very pale, had chest p...
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Had the vaccine on Saturday and on Tuesday afternoon, felt very dizzy, became very pale, had chest pain, pressure in chest and couldn't take a deep breath, vision kept moving in and out, had to sit down, felt very hot and cold at the same time and was actually sweating and feeling chills. Took it easy for the next 4-5 days and just stayed home and in bed. When it got really bad, took a dose of ibuprofen. The symptoms slowly got better and disappeared. Took about three doses of ibuprofen total over a few days. Talked to our pediatrician a week later who said we should report this.
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2021-07-05 |
shortness of breath |
Uncontrolled coughing fit and shortness of breath
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2021-07-06 |
shortness of breath |
Chest tightness in the morning after with shortness of breath. Mild cough and neck spasms. Patient r...
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Chest tightness in the morning after with shortness of breath. Mild cough and neck spasms. Patient received prednisolone
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2021-07-11 |
shortness of breath |
-My son had 1st dose on 15th june afternoon 12.40 pm. -on 16th june early morning 2 am , he complain...
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-My son had 1st dose on 15th june afternoon 12.40 pm. -on 16th june early morning 2 am , he complained of chest pain and breathing problems - in the morning around6 am on 16th june, we took him to seattle children hospital emergency ward -doctors done few testings ekg, blood test, xray -meanwhile doctors gave Ibuprofen tablet to my son. -after 1 hours my son told pain was reduced. -again doctors gave ibuprofen tablet -around 11-12 pm afternoon on 16th june, my son told, almost chest pain and breathing problem gone. -we discharged from hispital
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2021-07-12 |
shortness of breath |
within about 30seconds to 1min after administering Pfizer covid vaccine, 12 year old patient passed ...
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within about 30seconds to 1min after administering Pfizer covid vaccine, 12 year old patient passed out....went from talking, laughing to sagging off his chair, I grabbed him and slowly lowered him to the floor....he was having difficulty breathing, focusing , etc.....talked to him, focus him on breathing, gave him water to drink, wet cloth to forehead, face and neck...he came out of it and said he felt ok....he got up and walked to the waiting area with his mom...appeared to be fine, was talking and laughing again, when all of a sudden he was just sitting there, eyes wide open, but not aware. Another customer was there and she noticed him and immediately got him to focus, breathe, popped an ammonia inhalant, applied instant ice pack to his back and neck which brought him out of it.....asked mom and we called 911, EMT's responded and transported Patient to the hospital to be checked.
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2021-07-14 |
shortness of breath |
Shortness of breath 1 day post vaccination. Sx almost resolved by next day when pt evaluated. No ot...
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Shortness of breath 1 day post vaccination. Sx almost resolved by next day when pt evaluated. No other complaints
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2021-07-17 |
shortness of breath |
Severe chest pain; difficulty in breathing; EKG changes; elevated troponin level; This is a spontane...
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Severe chest pain; difficulty in breathing; EKG changes; elevated troponin level; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer or other non hcp. A 12-years-old male patient received BNT162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 mRNA VACCINE; formulation: Solution for injection, Lot Number was not reported), via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left at the age of 12-year-old on 30Jun2021 as single dose for covid-19 immunization. Medical history was reported as none. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. Patient had no relevant past drug history and known allergies. Prior to the vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within four weeks prior to the vaccination. The patient did not receive any other medications within 2 weeks of vaccination. On 03Jul2021 05:30 the patient experienced severe chest pain, difficulty in breathing, ekg changes, elevated troponin level. The patient was hospitalized for the events. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included electrocardiogram: unknown, troponin increased: elevated. The adverse event resulted in Emergency room/department or urgent care. The patient received treatment for the adverse event with Pain medication. The clinical outcome of events was recovering. Information about batch/Lot number has been requested.
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2021-07-19 |
shortness of breath |
He received the second dose of the vaccine on 6/4. 6/6 he developed neck pain that developed into ch...
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He received the second dose of the vaccine on 6/4. 6/6 he developed neck pain that developed into chest pain as well. He additionally had some shortness of breath. He was seen on 6/7 by his pediatrician. An electrocardiogram was obtained which showed ST elevation in the lateral precordial leads(image below). Additionally a chest x-ray was obtained demonstrating clear lungs and no notable findings. A troponin T was obtained and measured 232 ng/L(normal range 0-22). CRP 39 mg/L(normal 0-7). His chest pain resolved within 3 days of developing. He has not noted any palpitations. He has not had any syncope. He has been doing light activities without having any issues.
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2021-07-21 |
throat tightness, shortness of breath |
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tig...
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Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Mild, Systemic: Abdominal Pain-Mild, Systemic: chest pain-Mild, Systemic: Headache-Mild
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2021-07-22 |
shortness of breath |
Pt presented to the ER 7/11/21 with joint pain in bilateral arms, left hip, and posterior knees, and...
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Pt presented to the ER 7/11/21 with joint pain in bilateral arms, left hip, and posterior knees, and 1 episode of SOB for over a week. 3 weeks prior he reported having a fever and headache but that resolved. Pt at this time was Diagnosed with Rhabdomyolysis
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2021-07-24 |
throat tightness, shortness of breath |
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Additional Details: about 10 minutes after vaccine,...
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Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Additional Details: about 10 minutes after vaccine, patient reports has difficulty breathing, but stable. checking BP 113/65. pt can breath. Check with pt every 5 minutes, and stable breathing, BP is 99/59 after 10 minutes. Pt reports feeling better (without any intervention). Asked pt to wait for 30 minutes mark. Pt then said his throat is tight, but can still breath with no whezzing. Discuss with mom and want 911 call. No epipen is given.
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2021-05-12 |
shortness of breath |
I administered the Pfizer COVID vaccine to the patient at about 2pm. I completed the vaccine, put th...
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I administered the Pfizer COVID vaccine to the patient at about 2pm. I completed the vaccine, put the used syringe into the sharps container, grabbed the bandage, and turned back toward the patient. As I did this, he started slumping over in the chair, and his eyes rolled back into his head. I immediately put my arms around him so he wouldn't fall out of the chair. The patient's father was in the room as well and knelt down in from of him. The patient's body spasmed for a few seconds, then he came to but was breathing heavily and starting to sweat. I called to technician in the pharmacy and asked him to call 911 at 2:03pm. I brought the patient a cool cloth and asked a technician to bring some water. The patient's breathing started to slow, but he was nauseous and dizzy. He dry-heaved once, and I put the garbage can in front of him. He slumped over the garbage can for a few minutes. Then he asked to lie on the floor. He seemed to do better lying on the floor. When the EMTs arrived, they attempted to have him sit in the chair again, but his dizziness returned, and he complained of being cold. The EMTs moved the patient to the gurney and transported him to the Hospital for further medical attention.
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2021-05-14 |
shortness of breath |
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2021-05-14 |
throat swelling |
13 year old male who received his first dose of vaccination stated that he felt his throat was swell...
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13 year old male who received his first dose of vaccination stated that he felt his throat was swelling and nausea. Vital sign were taken and they were all within normal limits including Oxygen saturation of 100%. No tearing, nasal discharge, no rash, No wheezing per EMS. EMS evaluated the sound of heart and the lungs and did EKG on the site. He was alert and oriented in place and time. He was able to communicate. EMS were on site and no medication were given. Patient and his parent chose to go to the ED by ambulance. He was stable when he left with the ambulance.
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2021-05-20 |
shortness of breath |
Patient was administered vaccine at 3:20pm, symptoms started in approximately 10 minutes. (911 call...
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Patient was administered vaccine at 3:20pm, symptoms started in approximately 10 minutes. (911 called and stayed on phone until paramedics arrived). difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, became less responsive, eyes closed, stopped speaking. Patient lying down with legs elevated. epinephrine 1.25mg injected into left thigh via auto-injector at about 3;25 continued to monitor patient with the help of parents. Patient started arousing in a couple minutes. paramedics arrived. paramedics transported.
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2021-05-21 |
shortness of breath |
Patient developed SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) approximately 29 hours after receiving the COVI...
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Patient developed SVT (supraventricular tachycardia) approximately 29 hours after receiving the COVID vaccine. Patient has no prior history of SVT or any other cardiac related events. Patient was engaged in a basketball game when the SVT occurred. Patient has been involved in multiple competitive sports since the age of four without any prior incident related to exercise. He felt like he could not breathe, his heart was racing, he became dizzy, began to lose his vision and I took him to the local fire station for evaluation.
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2021-05-21 |
throat tightness |
Within minutes of getting his vaccine, he felt his throat tighten with mild itching of his throat. ...
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Within minutes of getting his vaccine, he felt his throat tighten with mild itching of his throat. He was assessed with normal vital signs, no wheeze, no emesis, no rash. He felt better quickly without intervention. He was observed for 45 minutes and we practiced some calming visualization strategies.
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2021-05-23 |
throat swelling |
His mother was present and told us he had multiple allergies to foods and sulfites, as well as asthm...
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His mother was present and told us he had multiple allergies to foods and sulfites, as well as asthma. He used to carry an epi pen but does not currently, also has a history of asthma for which he carries a rescue inhaler. He received the Pfizer vaccine at approximately 9:15am in his left deltoid, and about 2 minutes later Mom notified me and the school nurse that he was starting to get "hives". I noted a localized, small area of erythema on his left upper arm around the bandaid, approximately silver dollar sized, not raised. School RN removed the bandaid. He did not complain of itching and at that time stated he felt like he was breathing fine. The school RN gave him 50mg of Benadryl PO per the mom's request at 0920. The patient was in no distress, breathing and speaking normally. At 0922 he stated he felt like his throat and tongue were swelling, so I had him remove his mask, and asked mom if his lips looked swollen to which she responded "yes". He stated it felt like it was hard to swallow. We placed a pulse ox on the patient and his oxygen saturations were 96-100%, HR 85-90, RR 30. We administered an adult epi pen (0.3mg of epinephrine) into his left lateral thigh at 0923 and had the school office call EMS. The patient remained in no acute distress, and said the swelling in his tongue felt better after the epi, but that his throat still felt swollen. Lungs clear bilaterally, RR remained 24-30, HR 110-115, pulse ox 98-100%, erythema on left upper arm resolved. Fire department arrived at 0935- report given and they checked a pulse ox as well. Patient walked to parking lot to ambulance for transfer to Hospital with mother following behind.
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2021-05-24 |
throat swelling |
Pt. presented > 24 hours post vaccine with an acute episode of angioedema with lip/tongue/throat swe...
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Pt. presented > 24 hours post vaccine with an acute episode of angioedema with lip/tongue/throat swelling that required Benadryl, Prednisone, and Epinephrine x 2 shots. He was transferred from Urgent Care to ER where he continued to improve and was discharged from ER several hours later with Rx for Benadryl and Prednisone.
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2021-05-26 |
throat tightness, shortness of breath |
Systemic: Allergic: Anaphylaxis-Severe, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Severe, Systemic: A...
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Systemic: Allergic: Anaphylaxis-Severe, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Severe, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Severe, Systemic: Fainting / Unresponsive-Severe, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Medium, Systemic: Headache-Medium, Systemic: Weakness-Severe, Additional Details: pt was mostly unresposive and turning white and motionless; throat closing up; no other choice but to give the epi-jr shot; after administering the shot the patient started to feel better but we decided to still call 911 to be on the safe side
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2021-05-29 |
shortness of breath |
Complained of sob and chest pain on the same day of his shot, but resolved on its own, later that ni...
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Complained of sob and chest pain on the same day of his shot, but resolved on its own, later that night started with new-onset fever/chills, headaches, myalgias, and a new onset rash spreading from face to trunk, early lesions described as red papules and eventually dry up, no dermatomal distribution, spread throughout, not itchy, refers some tenderness/burning feeling upon palpation. Only treatment received is Tylenol.
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2021-06-02 |
shortness of breath |
Sharp chest pains, difficulty breathing and passed out for about 30 seconds.
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2021-06-06 |
painful respiration |
13 year old male presents with chest pain. Pt describes pain as achy. Pt feeling dizzy "seeing stars...
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13 year old male presents with chest pain. Pt describes pain as achy. Pt feeling dizzy "seeing stars" and has headache as well. Aches located on both arms and neck. Chest pain worsens with deep breathing. Neck pain worsens with neck movement. Pt had second dose of Pfizer 2 days ago; parents are concerned because a relative contracted myocarditis 5 days after receiving vaccine. No recent chest trauma. NBNB Vomit 1 month ago. Taking ibuprofen at home. No fever. Differential Diagnosis: flu like illness, post vaccine syndrome, myocarditis, doubt meningitis, myositis. Cardiology consulted, Agrees with workup and add CMV and EBV antibodies as well as enterovirus if elevated troponin. Troponin = 6.84. Will be admitted to CVICU.
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2021-06-06 |
painful respiration |
Fever, tiredness (expected) Chest pain. Variation in heart rate. Pain when breathing and only when t...
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Fever, tiredness (expected) Chest pain. Variation in heart rate. Pain when breathing and only when taking deep breaths.
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2021-06-06 |
throat tightness |
Fever - up to 102 - lasted until yesterday - it was back down to normal yesterday. He has had a sore...
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Fever - up to 102 - lasted until yesterday - it was back down to normal yesterday. He has had a sore arm - at injection site; the arm also was hard - a lump that was a little bit palpable - which is gone now; - body aches - gone now, chills, difficulty swallowing. He didn't have trouble breathing, but he felt his throat tighten when he swallowed (still has this); upper right abdominal pain - that is the real bad symptom still. His eyes hurt when he moved them around. Fatigue. He's been glued to the couch since Friday. I had given Advil and Tylenol. After the prolonged fever, I eventually called into the doctor's office. The pediatrician said it was common and said to wait it out but seek treatment if it got worse. He is able to eat but is awful nauseous. He is eating what sounds good. The pain stays the same when he eats.
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
3 days after the vaccine, the patient woke up at 530 in the morning with sharp chest pain that laste...
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3 days after the vaccine, the patient woke up at 530 in the morning with sharp chest pain that lasted about 1 hour. He was also short of breath and the pain was worse when lying down. The day after the vaccine, he had fever and emesis, but that resolved within 24 hours. He was taken to hospital where he was noted to have a troponin of 6.611, and CRP of 1.8. He was transferred to another Hospital for further care. He was treated with IV Toradol. He was seen by cardiology and infectious disease. He showed improvement with nothing more than NSAIDs, and since his MRI was normal, he was not given IVIG.
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain, SOB 3 days after vaccine. Myopericarditis with elevated troponin, abnormal ECG. Recovere...
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Chest pain, SOB 3 days after vaccine. Myopericarditis with elevated troponin, abnormal ECG. Recovered without intervention
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
Loss of appetite Chills Fever Joint pain Headache Difficulty breathing
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
Shortness of breath and chest pain 2 days after while playing the trombone.
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2021-06-08 |
shortness of breath |
shortness of breath the following day
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2021-06-08 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain and shortness of breath.
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2021-06-09 |
shortness of breath |
Pt texted mom at work, stating he was having difficulty breathing. Advised mom to arrange to have hi...
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Pt texted mom at work, stating he was having difficulty breathing. Advised mom to arrange to have him examined as soon as possible.
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath |
Patient received vaccine and stayed in pharmacy building for 15 minutes. Around that time patient's...
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Patient received vaccine and stayed in pharmacy building for 15 minutes. Around that time patient's parents came back up to pharmacy to notify staff that he had broken out into a rash in the back and his hands felt swollen. I asked if he had any trouble breathing and parents stated no. We followed the Adverse Event Action Plan. We called 911. Patient's parents then stated son is starting to have some breathing issue. I came out with EpiPen and was going to administer when mom stated son's symptoms has resolved greatly and she did not want me to administer EpiPen. Shortly after EMS arrived and evaluated patient and took him to hospital for observation.
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath |
Shortness of breath, coughing on inhalation, tightness /pressure in chest, pressure/tightness in ch...
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Shortness of breath, coughing on inhalation, tightness /pressure in chest, pressure/tightness in chest worse when leaning forward
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2021-06-10 |
very rapid breathing |
Patient was hyperventilating before vaccine was administered. After vaccine was administered patient...
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Patient was hyperventilating before vaccine was administered. After vaccine was administered patient started to get dizzy and skin color changed. Patient lay down, vitals were being taken, and water was given. once patient smelled ammonia patient started feeling better. Patient stayed for 15 minutes to ensure he was stable to go home.
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2021-06-10 |
painful respiration |
chest pain occured 4.5 hrs post second dose vaccine. next day, he felt fine, but fatigued. On the se...
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chest pain occured 4.5 hrs post second dose vaccine. next day, he felt fine, but fatigued. On the second day, chest pain occurs again upon inspiration and expiration, no shortness of breath. Only upon deep breathing, not shallow. On third day, pain is still an issue, he gets taken to urgent care. All test are normal (chest xray, EKG, lab, cbc, chem) lung sounds are normal. Chest pain continues for 3 more days. He rests and takes ibuprofen as directed. Is never is respiratory distress.
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2021-06-10 |
painful respiration |
Upper substernal chest pain with exertion and deep inspiration and when lying down. Began approximat...
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Upper substernal chest pain with exertion and deep inspiration and when lying down. Began approximately 36 hours after the 2nd dose of the Pfizer COVID 19 vaccine. No fever, shortness of breath, palpitations, cough, sick contacts. Pain is described as dull and does not radiate. No medications were given by mother for the pain. Patient came to ED with mother 4 days after the onset of the chest pain since the severity of the pain had not changed.
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2021-06-12 |
shortness of breath |
Patient was examined by his pediatrician and cleared for physical exercise on 06/01/2021; 4 days bef...
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Patient was examined by his pediatrician and cleared for physical exercise on 06/01/2021; 4 days before receiving his 1st COVID19 shot on 06/05/2021. On 06/07/2021 we dropped patient off at Soccer Camp. At 10am he started basic soccer ball control drills, which did not include rigorous exercise. At 10:30am we received a call from him, asking for us to pick him up as he had almost blacked out a few times. We arrived at the sports field at 10:40am. I found patient to be red faced, sweaty, but cohesive. He described the following symptoms occurred during mild exercise: difficulty breathing, thirsty, fast heartbeat, "black things" over eyes, preventing clear vision, difficulty focusing, difficulty hearing, feeling faint He took a water break and used his pro-air inhaler, as he thought he might have been having his 1st asthma attack (he's only ever presented with slight wheezing or night time cough). After a short break, his symptoms subsided, so he re-joined the group. After one more soccer drill, the symptoms came back again, but this time he experienced very hard palpitations and the feeling that his shoes were squeezing his feet. At that point he asked for permission to call to us and have us collect him. We took him home and monitored him for a while. He seemed calm and symptom free. I had him shower and he was fine for the rest of the day. The following day I had him jog on our treadmill for a period. He was symptom free. I increased inclination on the treadmill and he handled it ok without any of the previous symptoms. However, now realizing that he was within the 3 day window of his COVID shot, I decided not take him back to the soccer camp. As of 06/13/2021 he has not complained of any symptoms returning. That said, he also has not performed any significant outdoor exercise since then either, besides walking.
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2021-06-13 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain and shortness of breath. Patient had a follow up visit with pediatric cardiologist on 6/...
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Chest pain and shortness of breath. Patient had a follow up visit with pediatric cardiologist on 6/11/21 and was diagnosed with possible pericarditis.
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2021-06-14 |
shortness of breath |
My son had sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing & lost consciousness briefly.; My son had sharp ch...
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My son had sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing & lost consciousness briefly.; My son had sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing & lost consciousness briefly.; My son had sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing & lost consciousness briefly.; This is a spontaneous report from contactable consumer (parent). A 13-year-old male patient received first dose of BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on 20May2021 13:30 (Lot Number: EW0179, at age of 13 years old) as single dose for COVID-19 immunisation. Medical history included asthma. Concomitant medications included cetirizine hydrochloride (ZYRTEC ALLERGY); montelukast sodium (SINGULAIR). The patient previously took azithromycin and experienced allergy. The patient experienced had sharp chest pain, difficulty breathing & lost consciousness briefly on 23May2021 11:30. The event result in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. Events were reported as non-serious. The patient received treatment for events and visit pediatrician & EKG. Had been referred to a cardiologist. The outcome of events was recovered in May2021. Further information has been requested.
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2021-06-14 |
respiratory distress, rapid breathing, collapsed lung |
Patient was admitted from PCP for extreme tachycardia and tachypnea and developed multi organ involv...
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Patient was admitted from PCP for extreme tachycardia and tachypnea and developed multi organ involvement with tachycardia (HR to 140-150s), slight elevation in BNP (H of 490), Troponin (H of 0.244), mild proteinuria (50-70 proteins), respiratory distress with tachypnea (RR 50s) and hypoxia requiring escalation in O2 supplementation. Also with daily fevers until starting steroids. Laboratory findings concerning for slight hypertriglyceridemia, normal Ferritin, worsening thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia, hyponatremia, and hypoalbuminemia. CT with bibasilar atelectasis vs. consolidation, but no evidence of PE. Extensive ID and rheumatological evaluation performed and unremarkable so far. Received 2 days of Doxycycline. Was started on pulse dose steroids and began to show improvement in all markers.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath, wheezing |
Facial/lip swelling, cough, wheeze, shortness of breath, sore throat
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
During the night that he got the vaccine my son woke up with hives and I gave him some Benadryl. I g...
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During the night that he got the vaccine my son woke up with hives and I gave him some Benadryl. I gave him his rescue inhaler in the afternoon. He has not used his inhaler for over a year. The next day he had hives were much worse and his fever was going up. The hives were worse on his left arm and his arm was red around the vaccination site. He also had swelling in his face and he was having a little trouble breathing. I gave him Benadryl and Zyrtec which helped as well as Pepcid. The breathing difficulty subsided after that. He got a different rash on his back that was different from the original hives. We continued the medications and he was still Febrile until the sixth day. The sore throat is still present after nine days but the fever and hives are gone.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
Note - Patient estimated date of vaccination, not sure exact date. 4 days after vaccine, he got ches...
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Note - Patient estimated date of vaccination, not sure exact date. 4 days after vaccine, he got chest pain and difficulty breathing. this went on for a week and gradually improved. seen in the office on 6/11/21, EKG showed ST segment elevations. Troponin level was normal. Vital signs normal.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
Sore arm started on same day as vaccines, mild left sided chest pain and mild shortness of breath th...
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Sore arm started on same day as vaccines, mild left sided chest pain and mild shortness of breath that started the next day.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
Fever 101F, shortness of breath, irregular heart rhythm
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2021-06-15 |
rapid breathing, shortness of breath |
Patient is a 13 y.o. 10 m.o. male with no significant previous medical history. He presented to the ...
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Patient is a 13 y.o. 10 m.o. male with no significant previous medical history. He presented to the ED due to chest pain. He received the second dose of COVID vaccine on Friday 6/11/2021. The next day he had chest pain in the anterior left upper area throughout the day. The chest pain got worse when laying completely flat or if standing up. He also had fever up to 100.4 and shortness of breath. The symptoms persisted on day of admission and he was brought to an Urgent care where ECG showed diffuse ST elevation. He was transferred to our emergency department for further evaluation. In the emergency department he had intermittent tachypnea and complained of chest pain. ECG confirmed diffuse ST elevation concerning for myopericarditis. Troponin was also elevated with elevated inflammatory markers. Echocardiogram with mildly decreased LV systolic function.
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2021-06-16 |
exercise-induced asthma |
On the night of the vaccine, patient developed fever (Tmax 104), chills, and myalgias. He had an out...
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On the night of the vaccine, patient developed fever (Tmax 104), chills, and myalgias. He had an outbreak of herpes on his shoulder. Continued to feel very fatigued. Three days after the vaccine, he started having chest pain and shortness of breath with exertion. He continued to be fatigued. Chest pain was intermittent. Saw pediatric cardiologist at outpatient appointment on 6/15/21 where he had a normal EKG and ECHO. High sensitivity troponin on 6/15/21 was 0.08. He had a Holter monitor placed. He was asked to do activity while wearing Holter monitor and self-limit based on symptoms. He played basketball that night and had to press the Holter button 8 times while playing when he was experiencing chest pain. When he got home from practice, he felt weak and dizzy with associated chest pain. Mom notes his nails were blue/purple, and he was "lethargic" . Symptoms improved with ibuprofen. Patient did not want to do usual activity, mom called cardiology who recommended going to ED. Patient has not had chest pain since coming home from practice on 6/15/21. He was admitted to hospital on 6/16/21. Repeat high sensitivity troponin was 0.82 on 6/16/21 and repeated on 6/17/21 was 0.41. Cardiology consulted. Cardiac MRI performed with normal results. He was dizzy on 6/17/21 when he got up to use the restroom, self-resolved. Cardiology evaluated him and cleared him for discharge with outpatient follow-up and self-limitation with activity.
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2021-06-16 |
shortness of breath |
Patient developed febrile illness the next day following the day of receiving dose#2 of the vaccine....
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Patient developed febrile illness the next day following the day of receiving dose#2 of the vaccine. On the following day, he developed chest pain and shortness of breath so he was transferred to emergency room and admitted. He was diagnosed with mycarditis based in clinical symptoms and very elevated troponin
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2021-06-18 |
shortness of breath |
Patient experienced chest pain with shortness of breath 3 days after 2nd covid vaccine. He also note...
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Patient experienced chest pain with shortness of breath 3 days after 2nd covid vaccine. He also noted "teeth hurting" during episode. Phys exam - (+) for midsternal pain. Stable VS. Chest pain/dyspnea resolved at time of 1st visit. TRoponin 2.4 (resulted 2d later) thus went to ER for further w/u & repeat troponin on 6/9/21 Troponin 0.23 & ESR 16. Plt 555K. EKG nl except possible in III, AVF. Seen by cardiologist 6/10 -> echo normal, EKG normal (unchanged from 6/9). Myocarditis workup ordered. Holter monitor placed. Activity restrictions x 6 mos F/u cardiology 6-8 wks 6/14 - Follow up in office - normal. TRoponin <0.01
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2021-06-20 |
painful respiration |
Acute-onset pressure-like 3-5/10 mid-sternal non-radiating chest pain worth with inspiration associa...
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Acute-onset pressure-like 3-5/10 mid-sternal non-radiating chest pain worth with inspiration associated with palpitations and light-headedness
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2021-06-21 |
shortness of breath |
Patient received 2nd Pfzier COVID vaccine on 6/2/21. On 6/21/21 while exerting himself at sports pr...
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Patient received 2nd Pfzier COVID vaccine on 6/2/21. On 6/21/21 while exerting himself at sports practice, he developed chest pain and shortness of breath that resolved with rest. He had no recurrence of chest pain or shortness of breath but presented to ER for evaluation.
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2021-06-21 |
shortness of breath |
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2021-06-21 |
shortness of breath |
3 days post injection patient developed increasing dizziness, light headedness, headache, nausea, ac...
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3 days post injection patient developed increasing dizziness, light headedness, headache, nausea, achey muscles, decreased appetite, shortness of breath with exercise (new complaint), slight cough symptoms persist still 11 days after injection
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2021-06-22 |
shortness of breath |
shortness of breath ( a few hours later) - recovered with rest - same day
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Approx. 15 minutes after vaccination to rt deltoid muscle, pt began breaking out on both arms with s...
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Approx. 15 minutes after vaccination to rt deltoid muscle, pt began breaking out on both arms with small, raised bumps. Gave 10ml Benadryl 12,5/5 solution. Approx. 10 minutes later pt indicated he was having "a little" difficulty breathing. Dad said he has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and that his breathing was likely due to stress reaction. pt was ok a short time later and dad said if reaction continued, or his breathing worsened that he would take him to the ER. I followed up with dad an hour later and dad said the bumps were still there, but son's breathing was fine.
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Pt. started having unexplained chest pains, shortness of breath, and abdominal issues 3 days after t...
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Pt. started having unexplained chest pains, shortness of breath, and abdominal issues 3 days after the first dose of the vaccine. They got so bad that he was taken to the ER twice, one of those times was after we had to call 911 because we were very concerned he was having a heart attack
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Patient had the vaccine Friday morning (6/4/21). He had typical side effects that afternoon (tired, ...
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Patient had the vaccine Friday morning (6/4/21). He had typical side effects that afternoon (tired, achy arm). He woke up the next morning, 6/5/21, complaining that his chest hurt (with a stinging. constant pain), his heart was beating rapidly, 102.5 degree fever, and he said it was hard to breathe. I gave him 200mg Ibuprofen and he rested. Symptoms resolved in about 2-3 hours and did not return. I contacted the advice line at, and they set up a video appointment for mid afternoon on that same day, Saturday 6/5. By the time of the visit, symptoms were completely gone. PA recommended he have a Covid test as it was possible those symptoms were from having Covid ( coincidentally and simultaneously). The test was negative.
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2021-06-29 |
shortness of breath |
10 days after second dose, developed illness which has included cough, shortness of breath, and ches...
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10 days after second dose, developed illness which has included cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain, followed by polyarthritis (knees, elbow) and polyarthralgias (multiple joints).
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2021-07-03 |
shortness of breath |
Tightness in chest, chest pain, shortness of breath for about 12 hours.
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2021-07-06 |
shortness of breath |
13 year old who received his second Pfizer COVID vaccine on July 3, 2021 (3 days ago). He describes ...
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13 year old who received his second Pfizer COVID vaccine on July 3, 2021 (3 days ago). He describes a low grade fever on the day after the vaccine which did not initially concern him. He presented to the ER yesterday with complaints of midsternal chest pain and shortness of breath and a vague history of palpitations that started yesterday morning and continued to progress over the day. The chest pain did not vary with position and was not aggravated with respiratory effort. He had an elevated troponin and CRP and was admitted for management/observation. His chest pain has resolved since starting Ibuprofen (600 mg q 6 hours). Serial troponins peaked at 22.9, now trending downward. Notable changes on serial EKG's with resolving ST segment elevation and T wave inversion. The echocardiogram showed low normal LV function but was otherwise normal. PT presentation is consistent with the newly recognized post Covid vaccine myocarditis in adolescent males. Timing of the chest pain in relation to the vaccine, EKG and echo findings and elevated troponins all support the presumed diagnosis of myocarditis. He met the criteria for a cardiac MRI to be obtained prior to discharge- results pending.
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2021-07-12 |
very rapid breathing |
Patient didn't have any side effects from his first dose. With his second, he felt fine for about 15...
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Patient didn't have any side effects from his first dose. With his second, he felt fine for about 15 hours. Then his lips and eyes started to swell, his throat got itchy, & he started taking deep breaths. These are telltale signs of him starting to have an anaphylactic reaction. I gave him two Benadryl immediately, and monitored him. His breathing improved and I didn't have to inject him with his Epipen or take him to the hospital. The swelling in his eyes and lips didn't subside, however, so I gave him routine doses of Benadryl for about 12 hours while monitoring him. He was fine again, for another 20 hours or so, and then his symptoms started to come back. Benadryl stopped it completely that time and I didn't have to give him anymore.
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2021-07-12 |
painful respiration |
He woke up with chest pain in the upper right quadrant at midnight and then it intensified when he w...
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He woke up with chest pain in the upper right quadrant at midnight and then it intensified when he was breathing deep breaths. They woke him up when he was sleeping and did not go away. Then, it continued through the next day and we asked our doctor if we needed to keep an eye on him because of all the reporting and stuff about the heart problems. They did a triage consult visit to see if it could be an adverse event from the vaccine. The course of action was to take 2 ibuprofen every 4 hours and use ice and heat to see if the pain improved to rule out musculoskeletal situations because that was what they thought it was. We did that for 2 days and then the pain moved to his back upper right quadrant and we noticed a rash all over his abdomen and we were not sure where he got that. Based on the fact that the pain moved the doctor was more confident that it was not an adverse event.
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2021-07-15 |
shortness of breath |
Mid sternal chest pain on 7/13/21 after the 2nd dose of COVID vaccine ( 7/9/21), symptom last for 1 ...
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Mid sternal chest pain on 7/13/21 after the 2nd dose of COVID vaccine ( 7/9/21), symptom last for 1 hr, spontaneous resolved. hx of shortness of breath at night on 7/10, completely resolved the next morning. headache and muscle aching after vaccination on 7/9/21, last for 3 days. no palpitation. he is seen in office on 7/13/21 due to hx of chest pain in the morning, no current chest pain/symptoms, normal CVS exam, normal EKG. Elevated troponin I/ESR/CRP and normal CBC Troponin I 1.92 ( 0.00-0.04) , ESR 20 ( <15), CRP 3.3 ( <0.9) he again seen in ER the same day for abnormal troponin I results, recheck EKG normal., troponin down to 1.73 he was seen in pediatric cardiology clinic on 7/14/21, troponin 0.68, normal EKG and normal echocardiogram. his symptoms self resolves without medical intervention.
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2021-07-15 |
shortness of breath |
shortly after receiving his second Pfizer shot in the left arm, he was sitting outside the pharmacy ...
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shortly after receiving his second Pfizer shot in the left arm, he was sitting outside the pharmacy waiting the required 15 minutes with his mother and said that he felt like he was "trying harder to breathe" and said his heart started beating faster. We asked about any other symptoms he was having and said he felt like his chest was heavier. I gave him a dose of Benadryl and told him he could take his mask off so it would be easier to breathe and told him to stay here for longer until he started to feel better and to let us know if he feels any different. after another 20 minutes he said he was feeling better and didn't have either of those symptoms anymore. We counseled on other symptoms to look out for and to let us know if anything else happens and to contact urgent care or his md if anything else happens. especially breathing issues. He left a few minutes later saying he was feeling better.
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2021-07-17 |
shortness of breath |
A family of three came to get the COVID vaccination on 07/18/2021 at 3.30pm. Pt , the 13 year old bo...
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A family of three came to get the COVID vaccination on 07/18/2021 at 3.30pm. Pt , the 13 year old boy, had the vaccine at about 3.55pm. After the vaccine he was advised to sit for 15 minutes after the IMZ for observation. While I was administering a vaccine to another patient, his dad came running and said his son had a reaction and is having a hard time breathing. Right away I went out to check his condition and found that he was pale and was struggling to breathe lying on the floor. I told my technicians to call 911 and notify the store management . I knew it was time to administer the Epipen and I told his father I will administer it. I administered one Epipen at 4.08 pm, recorded the time and waited for the emergency personnel to show up . After the Epipen was administered Pt's situation became better . The emergency personnel took him out to monitor his vitals.
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2021-07-19 |
inflammation of lungs lining |
We had a preventative EKG completed on 6/26/21 for a baseline before the vaccine as a precaution and...
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We had a preventative EKG completed on 6/26/21 for a baseline before the vaccine as a precaution and I am happy to make these available to you. Vaccine was 7/3/21. Patient started having body chills within 24-48 hours after the shot. He still has daily chills as of 7/20/21. Starting 7/13/21 Patient complained of chest tightness and "pain", localized around the center of his chest and a little below. He has seasonal allergies, including a cough that started acting up 7/11/21. The location of pain and description is significantly different than his normal allergy symptoms. Pain and tightness occurred with stationary activities and would come/go, regardless of whether he just coughed. He still has chest pain and occasional tightness as of 7/20/21. No breathing issues, fever, or other symptoms.
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2021-07-25 |
shortness of breath |
Rapid fast rate for about 7 hours starting at 1:00am the day after vaccine dose 7/23/21. . has bee...
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Rapid fast rate for about 7 hours starting at 1:00am the day after vaccine dose 7/23/21. . has been experiencing milder episodes of fast heart racing about 2-3 times a day on 7/23,7/24/,7/25, and once today 7/26 Shortness of breath (started at 1:00am, felt better around 10:00am) has experienced once more on 7/24 shortness of breath Chest pain left side started at 6:00am on 7/23/21 and lasted for one day Nausea (zofran was given at emergency to treat his nausea) Tiredness still until today 7/26/21
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2021-05-05 |
shortness of breath |
Developed fever, SOB and chest pain 3 days after second vaccine dose.
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2021-05-14 |
throat swelling |
Attendee received first dose Pfizer vaccine at 15:30. Attendee was directed to observation area. A...
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Attendee received first dose Pfizer vaccine at 15:30. Attendee was directed to observation area. At 15:40 voiced complaints of mild feeling like his throat was closing. Placed supine on the floor with feet elevated on a chair. Alert and oriented skin without pallor, sweating or rash. Denies any difficulty with breathing and respirations are even and not tachypneic. 15:45 No change in symptoms. Attendee was administered epinephrine. 15:50 Continues to deny any shortness of breath. HR: 68 BP: 134/86 O2Sat%: 99 15:53 Starting to feel better feel of throat closing sensation almost gone. Skin continues to be warm and dry. 16:05 -No voiced complaints- skin warm and dry. HR: 70 BP: 116/80 O2Sat%: 98 16:20 - EMS arrived assessed attendee and did repeated VS and offered to take him to the Emergency Room and mom declined and said she would transport. 16:30 Attendee stated that he felt better and was released to his mother, who stated that she was going to take him to the emergency room as recommended by the paramedics. Attendee was able to walk out of clinic independently with his mother.
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2021-05-14 |
respiration abnormal |
Patient is a 14 YO male with no previous medical history that received the Pfizer vaccine administer...
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Patient is a 14 YO male with no previous medical history that received the Pfizer vaccine administered into his left Deltoid at 1406. He was sent to the observation area where the nurse noted him looking pale at 1410. His mother was present during this whole event. He was taken over to the medical tent for privacy and further evaluation. He was complaining of being light headed. He was given apple juice and crackers as he had stated that he had not eaten or drank anything all day. At 1430 his VS read BP 132/80, HR 145, O2 99%. At this time he was lying down and feet elevated, shaking, pale, and cold. Lung sounds clear. Nausea but not needing to throw up he was covered up to try and keep him warm. At 1440 his blood pressure was 130/82, HR 130, 02 98% At this time he was lying flat with feet elevated, shaking, pale, and cold. His lung sounds clear. Nausea, but not needing to throw up. At 1450 BP 138/74, HR 120-135, 02 98%. Symptoms had not changed at this point except he mentioned his ears felt cold, although they were warm to touch. He was laid on his left side at this point to try and lower his HR, which did come down to 115-125 when on his L side. We did not take a BP at this point as we wanted him to be on his back when taking them. At 1515 he was laid back on his back to see how his HR would do and how his BP was. BP 138/60, HR 135, 02 98%. Again symptoms were the same except he was complaining of colors being more ?dull?, and his teeth being numb. At this point his pupils were noted to be +8, equal and reactive. 1521 VS read 138/50, HR 135, 02 98%. Vision still dull and pupils unchanged from 1515. He was laid on his R side to see if this would lower his HR. It was brought down to 120-130 on his R side. We gave him a cookie to snack on to see if that would help with any of the paleness, shakiness, and light headiness. He was able to take a few small bites. Hands pale and washed, with +1 bilateral radial pulses. 1529 he was sat up slowly to try to get him to hydrate, as it was apparent he needed fluids onboard. His BP read 142/80, HR 124, 02 98%. He was still complaining of lightheadedness. After sitting up and drinking half a bottle of water and some cookie, he stated that colors were becoming more vibrant. He noticed my eyes were very blue, which previously he had stated they were grey. He stated his lightheadedness had improved and that he was feeling better. We had him sit up for a while and his color started to come back, although his L arm was still pale, of note this was the Vaccinated arm. At 1546 his VS read 150/82, HR 117, O2 99% while sitting. His only complaint was feeling like the air he was breathing ?was cold?. At 1607 he was stood up and when doing so his HR went to 140. After standing for about 4 minutes his BP read 120/82, HR 114, O2 98%. His pupils +6 , equal, round, and reactive. He was feeling way better and his color in his L hand was back equal to his right. He was slowly walked around a chair just to see how he would do with activity. His HR was anywhere from 94-120 when walking around the chair, he complained of no dizziness, or other symptoms. At this point he had finished 2 apple juices, crackers, a cookie, and a bottle of water for a total of 1.5 L of fluid. He was sat back down in the chair to rest and see how things went for a while. His HR was anywhere from 109-120 when in the chair, although he did appear very anxious through this whole process. When he was given a task it appeared that his HR was a few points lower. His final HR was 109, BP 130/82, O2 98%. Of note he did complain of his feet and fingers feeling tingly a few times during this process. Sometimes his feet would be tingly when elevated and then when the garbage can holding them up was readjusted it resolved. These were intermittent complaints. At this point it is 1630. He has responded to fluids and is stable to go home with his mom. It was recommended for him to increase his fluids tonight, and to eat something. He was sent with a bottle of water. It was also recommended to get a pulse ox machine from a pharmacy so that his HR could be monitored and if it does not come down under 100 by tomorrow to make an appointment with his MD to follow up. If any of these symptoms were to come back or if his mom had any concern at all it was recommended to take him to the ED for observation. It was also recommended to follow up with his primary even though he left stable. Throughout this process, I considered administering Epinephrine. The problem was his BP was not low and we could not get his HR to come down. I did not want to increase his HR any more than it already was unless I was absolutely necessary. Given that he responded to fluids, it was decided not to administer it. Given that it took him 2.5 hours to recover from this vaccine, I strongly recommend that he does not get his second dose. I consider this to be an adverse reaction, and his mom was in agreement.
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2021-05-16 |
shortness of breath |
Pt was given COVID vaccine #1. Approximately 10min after vaccine administration pt reported losing h...
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Pt was given COVID vaccine #1. Approximately 10min after vaccine administration pt reported losing his vision, having difficulty breathing and numbness in left arm. Denied chest pain, headache, nausea. Pt pulse 59. SpO2 91-96%. Pt pupils dilated. Pt alert x2. This RN called 911 with mother's permission. EMS arrived @1800. At that time pt alert x3, no longer pale, numbness decreased, difficulty breathing resolved. Pt walked out of the office on his own. He was not taken to ED via Ambulance.
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2021-05-17 |
throat tightness |
Pt screened to wait for 15 mins and when asked if he was feeling okay to leave, reported fatigue and...
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Pt screened to wait for 15 mins and when asked if he was feeling okay to leave, reported fatigue and tightness in throat. Father reported hx of asthma. I evaluated him and determined reaction to be anxiety-induced. HEENT and Pulm exams normal. I encouraged hydration, and calmed pt down with casual conversation and held for 40 mins
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2021-05-17 |
throat tightness |
Throat felt tight, hx of allergy to shellfish-has epi-pen at home. This feels similar to his p...
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Throat felt tight, hx of allergy to shellfish-has epi-pen at home. This feels similar to his prior anaphylaxis. Pt. and mom agreed to epi and EMS transport. R. thigh epi administered and care was turned over to onsite EMS. Blood sugar was 210. Pt. has type 1 diabetes and uses insulin pump.
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2021-05-18 |
wheezing, throat swelling |
Time to onset: 6 hours. Patient developed full body hives, severe congestion, lip, tongue, throat, a...
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Time to onset: 6 hours. Patient developed full body hives, severe congestion, lip, tongue, throat, and eye swelling. Wheezing. Difficulty swallowing. Treated with Claritin 20 mg po, Benadryl 25 mg po, albuterol inhaler 2 puffs, prednisone 50 mg po, and Asmanex 2 puffs. Within 1 hour hives and lip swelling began to resolve. 1 hr after taking prednisone, tongue and eye swelling resolving. As of 740 am on 5/19/21, hives resolved. Only continuing sx was mild throat swelling sensation.
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2021-05-19 |
shortness of breath |
Immediately after administration, patient became pale diaphoretic, lost consciousness, had jerking b...
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Immediately after administration, patient became pale diaphoretic, lost consciousness, had jerking body movements, maintained pulse and airway. Once regained consciousness, vomited 3 times. Pt was given pepcid with fathers consent. After about 10 minutes started to complain of tightness of chest, short of breath. With consent from father administered 25 mg of benadryl. Monitored for 30 minutes. Patient status returned to baseline at the end of the 30 minutes observation. encouraged to follow up with pc prior to next vaccination to weigh the risk and benefits. Afterwards, dad said patient had reactions like this in past with vaccination. Asked multiple times if wanted EMS called or transport to medical facility. Declined by father.
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2021-05-20 |
respiratory rate increased |
Within 30 secs to 1 minute following vaccination patient started to seize. He came out of the seizur...
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Within 30 secs to 1 minute following vaccination patient started to seize. He came out of the seizure quickly (approx 20-30 sec). EMS was called and on site in minutes. Patient was breathing on his own but breathing was rapid. He lost color in his face/lips. When EMS arrived they noted that he was hypotensive and bradycardic. He began to regain color while EMS was on site. They opted to take him in for further evaluation. No history of seizures.
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2021-05-21 |
shortness of breath |
Seizure. He was stiff, shaking uncontrollably, gasping for air. Seizure lasted 2-3 minutes. Rescue w...
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Seizure. He was stiff, shaking uncontrollably, gasping for air. Seizure lasted 2-3 minutes. Rescue was called to the house. Had to be taken to ER. ER conducted CBC test. Results came back normal. Was prescribed as needed Valium suppository bc this was his first seizure ever
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2021-05-23 |
shortness of breath |
Patient developed maculopapular uticarial rash day of vaccine that started on his lower extremities ...
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Patient developed maculopapular uticarial rash day of vaccine that started on his lower extremities and progressed over a few days to include part of his trunk and his proximal upper extremities. Parents gave benadryl at home. It began to self resolve 5 days after vaccine, with complete resolution on day 6 after vaccine. Additionally, on day 5 following vaccine, the patient had one, isolated, episode of chest pain and SOB that lasted 2-3 minutes. Patient believed he was having a panic attack. Patient's mother took BP during event which was 190/95. Patient subsequently brought to ED where all his vitals were diffusely within normal limits including BP. No persistent chest pain and physical exam unremarkable. Troponin was obtained in ED and found to be elevated at 1951. Patient was admitted, troponins were trended, and patient remained in stable condition without further adverse events, and was subsequently discharge home with diagnosis of suspected myocarditis.
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2021-05-24 |
shortness of breath |
Patient felt itchy throat (discomfort at a 4 out of 10 scale) and difficulty breathing (discomfort a...
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Patient felt itchy throat (discomfort at a 4 out of 10 scale) and difficulty breathing (discomfort at a 5 out of 10 scale) with 5 minutes of being vaccinated. Vaccine administering pharmacist gave Patient a 25 mg Benadryl tablet , which provided no relief 10 minutes later. Pharmacist then injected .3 MG Epinephrine shot in Patient's left quadricep which provided instant relief for about 30 minutes. Patient then proceeded to the ER where he was given a 20 MG Pepcid tablet, Two 20 MG Prednisone tablets and discharged a few hours later with the instructions to: take One 25 mg Benadryl tablet every 6 hours as needed; One 20 MG Pepcid tablet twice a day and Two 20 MG Prednisone tablets for Five days with a follow up visit to Patient's allergist.
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2021-05-24 |
shortness of breath |
Post vaccine pt had trouble breathing through his nose. Pt transferred to med obs1 via wheelchair ac...
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Post vaccine pt had trouble breathing through his nose. Pt transferred to med obs1 via wheelchair accompanied by parent. pt reports immediately feeling better after sitting down in hospital bed. vitals obtained and monitored. pt released at approximately 1600. 1554 Sitting HR 83 BP 148/92 O2 99 1400 Standing HR 75 BP 131/76 O2 99
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2021-05-24 |
throat tightness |
Patient c/o throat "tightening" s/p Covid Pfizer#1. No respiratory distress. No hives or rash. Rx c...
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Patient c/o throat "tightening" s/p Covid Pfizer#1. No respiratory distress. No hives or rash. Rx cetirizine 10 mg PO and diphenhydramine 25 mg PO with H2O, Observed x 30 min total. No worsening of symptoms. Discharged.
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2021-05-28 |
shortness of breath |
Mother states her son had palpitations, after 3 hours of his vaccine at about 4:30pm. She also state...
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Mother states her son had palpitations, after 3 hours of his vaccine at about 4:30pm. She also states he also experienced SOB and he explained he missed a beat to his heart". The days after he had same symptoms, two times a day for the next three days. Mother states he experienced his symptoms about ten times a day for about 15 seconds. On the second day I called the doctor, nurse told her to take his pulse after he had an episode, difference was very slight during the 15 second pule taken, normal was 20bpm in 15 seconds and then it changed to 22bpm in 15 seconds. On Monday while talking to other classmates in school, another kid said he experienced the same thing like him. On Tuesday 05-25-2021, his mother states her son told her her felt some palpitations but as of today he has not had any more palpitations.
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2021-05-29 |
shortness of breath |
AE: patient had shortness of breath 15 minutes post vaccine administration. Treatment: no medication...
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AE: patient had shortness of breath 15 minutes post vaccine administration. Treatment: no medication was given. patient was under observation. laying down improved symptoms Outcome: symptoms resolved and patient was sent to POV/Home.
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2021-06-01 |
shortness of breath, wheezing |
pt mom yelled for help. other employee dialed 911. mom reporting that patient keeps fainting/feeling...
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pt mom yelled for help. other employee dialed 911. mom reporting that patient keeps fainting/feeling nausea. used smelling salt x 2. then had patient have small sips of orange juice. patient began feeling nausea again and threw up. pt started breathing heavy/flushed/wheezing administered epi-pen (1st dose incomplete- bent needle) 2nd dose successful in muscle of right thigh. patient reported feeling better. took bp 94/54 pulse 88. ems arrived and took over. patient left with ems
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2021-06-03 |
throat tightness |
Patient received first dose of COVID vaccine earlier this morning. A few minutes later, felt some th...
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Patient received first dose of COVID vaccine earlier this morning. A few minutes later, felt some throat tightness. No hives, wheezing, face swelling. On exam, no stridor, wheezing, rash; posterior OP clear. Doubt anaphylaxis, most c/f allergic reaction. Mother notes food allergies, no prior epi pen use. No hypoxia. Tolerating PO and secretions. Treated with dose of 25mg PO benadryl and will transfer to ED for continued observation. No stridor, facial swelling, posterior OP swelling throughout observation in clinic prior to transfer to EMS care. Deferred epinephrine.
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2021-06-05 |
shortness of breath |
Flu-like symptoms consisting of myalgias and malaise started on 6/4/21 at 1300. Overnight into 6/6 a...
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Flu-like symptoms consisting of myalgias and malaise started on 6/4/21 at 1300. Overnight into 6/6 around 0230, he began having chest pain that felt like severe heart burn and shortness of breath. Tried to sleep through it but was unable and sought care. Found to have elevated troponin level and transferred to our facility pediatric ICU for higher level of care. Currently hospitalized in Pediatric ICU.
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2021-06-06 |
throat tightness |
Patient complained of facial flushing, tingling lips, and his throat feeling like it was tightening....
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Patient complained of facial flushing, tingling lips, and his throat feeling like it was tightening. Nurse administered 25mg IM Benadryl per clinic protocol. The reaction resolved after administration of IM Benadryl.
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
My son initially had side effects (tired, hot, sweaty) about 24 hours after receiving his first dose...
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My son initially had side effects (tired, hot, sweaty) about 24 hours after receiving his first dose. About 58 hours after the first dose, he started having trouble breathing. He called me in a panic and asked me to come home because he couldn't breathe. It took me ~15 minutes, and by the time I arrived, he was having some trouble breathing so we took him to the emergency room. They did some tests and sent him home. By that point, the symptoms seemed to have resolved on their own. But then he had some labored breathing later that night.
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
High Fever, chills, fatigue, shortness of breath, rapid heart rate, pain at injection site,
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain, trouble breathing,at ER
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2021-06-07 |
very rapid breathing, respiratory rate increased |
a point of hyperventilation; Breathing started to get rapid; Hands and stomach muscles cramped up as...
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a point of hyperventilation; Breathing started to get rapid; Hands and stomach muscles cramped up as the heart continued to race; Hands and stomach muscles cramped up as the heart continued to race; suddenly both hands started shaking; heart rate increasing, reaching higher than 166; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 14-year-old male patient received first dose of bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, solution for injection, Lot Number: EW0179), via an unspecified route of administration, administered in left arm on 12May2021 at 17:00 (at the age of 14-year-old) at single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history and concomitant medications were reported as no. Prior to vaccination, patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. No known allergy. Patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. It was reported that 24 hours after the vaccine on 13May2021 at 17:00, while seate, suddenly both hands started shaking followed by heart rate increasing, reaching higher than 166 bpm. Breathing started to get rapid to a point of hyperventilation on 13May2021 at 18:00. Hands and stomach muscles cramped up as the heart continued to race on 13May2021 at 18:00. Called 911 and they were able to decrease the hyperventilation through slowed box breathing. They stayed for about 30 minutes as the heat rate slowly decreased to just over 100 bmp on 13May2021. Two other incidents of increased heat rate have happened since in May2021. Events were resulted in Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit, Emergency room/department or urgent care. Since the vaccination, patient had not been tested for COVID-19. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of all events included hydroxyzine prescribed to induce calming effect as. The outcome of events heart rate increasing, hyperventilation and breathing started to get rapid was recovering; outcome of the other events was unknown. This report was reported as non-serious by reporter, with seriousness criteria-Results in death: No; Life threatening: No; Caused/prolonged hospitalization: No; Disabling/Incapacitating: No; Congenital anomaly/birth defect: No. No follow-up attempts are needed. No further information is expected.
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2021-06-07 |
painful respiration |
Patient presented to ED on 6/8/2021 with sub-sternal chest pain 9/10 with mild radiation down his le...
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Patient presented to ED on 6/8/2021 with sub-sternal chest pain 9/10 with mild radiation down his left arm which was worse with breathing nd moving. Per patient he had 2 less severe episodes of chest pain on 6/7 which were short in duration and resolved on their own. ED evaluation was significant for mildly elevated troponin at 1.88, EKG with diffuse ST elevation, elevated CRP of 1.9, mild hyperglycemia. He had a normal chest xray. Echocardiogram demonstrated normal biventricular function with no obvious pericarditis. ***
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2021-06-08 |
shortness of breath |
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemi...
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Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Fainting / Unresponsive-Mild, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Medium, Systemic: Tachycardia-Mild, Additional Details: Five minutes after the 1st shot, patient passed out. we laid him down on floor, he came back but very tired, pale, sweating and shortness of breath. we gave him water to drink, one dose of Epipen Jr and called 911. The Epidemics arrived, he did feel better then, can sit on chair for them to check up. His vital signs came up normal, he was observed for 15 more minutes before allow to go home
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2021-06-08 |
very rapid breathing |
Pt received Covid #1 at out of office vaccine clinic on 5/27/21. Seen at ER 5/30/21 for behavior cha...
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Pt received Covid #1 at out of office vaccine clinic on 5/27/21. Seen at ER 5/30/21 for behavior change (decreased level of responsiveness, staring off into space, vomiting & nausea, hyperventilation, anxiety Please see enclosed ER note. Spoke with Mom on 6/1/21 is improved History of Present Illness HPI Narrative: 14-year-old boy with history of autism presents with behavior changes, nausea, vomiting. Patient and his mother provide the history. He was in his usual state of health last night, had a normal dinner. Did not answer his door this morning. Parents found him staring off into space with decreased level of responsiveness. He was able to drink fluids. Patient reported having a few episodes of vomiting and abdominal pain earlier. They were concerned that he could be having a reaction to his COVID-19 vaccine which was given 4 days ago. Mom gave 25 mg of Benadryl at home. They were driving to Hospital for evaluation when the patient started looking worse. He has been hyperventilating but also has now clenching of hands and reports that his feet feel funny. Mom reports that he is not at his behavioral baseline currently. No prior abdominal surgeries or additional issues. Not currently take any medications. Patient denies taking any Illicit medications/substances.
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2021-06-09 |
asthma |
Coughing, fever, chills, sweating, lethargy, decreased appetite, SEVERE nose bleeds lasting 20+ min...
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Coughing, fever, chills, sweating, lethargy, decreased appetite, SEVERE nose bleeds lasting 20+ minutes, increased blood pressure and heart rate. Induced an asthmatic flare which required increased breathing treatments, steroids, and antibiotics. **Maternal grandmother had severe reaction. VAERS NUMBER 1182545
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2021-06-09 |
throat swelling, shortness of breath |
shortness of breath; hives on nouth; throat swelling; dizziness; This is a spontaneous report from a...
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shortness of breath; hives on nouth; throat swelling; dizziness; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer or other non hcp (patient). A 14-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE), at same age, dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on 19May2021 (Batch/Lot Number: ew0177) as 1ST DOSE, SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included asthma. Concomitant medication included fluticasone propionate (FLOVENT); montelukast sodium (SINGULAIR); and cetirizine hydrochloride (ZYRTEC) and METHYLPHINATE. The patient previously took peanut, tree nut, coconut. The patient experienced shortness of breath, hives on mouth, throat swelling, and dizziness all on 19May2021 14:00 with outcome of recovered. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Treatment antihistamine was received for the adverse event. Prior to vaccination, patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Since the vaccination, patient has not been tested for COVID-19.
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath, asthma |
Heart inflammation that wakes me up, difficult but able to breathe, lasts for about 10-20 minutes, t...
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Heart inflammation that wakes me up, difficult but able to breathe, lasts for about 10-20 minutes, tight feeling in chest, feels like food is stuck in my chest
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, hitch, heart flutters
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath |
Day 2 chest hurt to breathe in deeply gave Tylenol subsided 2 days later. Had UTI symptoms on day 3 ...
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Day 2 chest hurt to breathe in deeply gave Tylenol subsided 2 days later. Had UTI symptoms on day 3 gave cranberry juice also subsided 2 days later symptoms were frequent urination, pain and burning during and after, hurt when laying down. Never had any type of infection in urinary tract before. All symptoms were very treatable just didn't know he would experience these. All other symptoms he went through were expected. Fever never went above 101 and he had a temp and flu symptoms for 3 days with swelling under his arm
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath |
Within 5 minutes of vaccination he was in the waiting room and became very dizzy, sweating and was ...
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Within 5 minutes of vaccination he was in the waiting room and became very dizzy, sweating and was having trouble breathing. I reported to the closest worker and she called in another person, assuming one was a nurse and one was not. She had him look into her eyes, which was difficult, then she had him out his head between his knees for a minute and he was then able to come out of it. Still a bit dizzy, they moved him to a room with a bed where he could lie down and they put a cold, wet paper towel in his forehead. He rested there for an additional 10 minutes. They had him get up and walk before they allowed him to leave. He had not eaten anything since the night before and he has severe ?needle anxiety ? which both could have contributed to the reaction. He has not had any issues since, except for a sore arm.
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2021-06-10 |
shortness of breath |
After waiting 15 minutes after the administration of the Pfizer vaccine, the patient and his mom lef...
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After waiting 15 minutes after the administration of the Pfizer vaccine, the patient and his mom left the pharmacy. According to the mother, the patient told her in the parking lot that he was having dizziness and a little bit of shortness of breath. So they came back to the pharmacy. The mother also stated that he had asthma when he was younger but that she suspected he grew out of it. He had no other symptoms of a possible allergic reaction. I gave him 10ml of Benadryl (25mg) as a precaution. They stayed 25 more minutes after Benadryl as a precaution, as the mother also contacted his physician for further directions. After that 25 minutes, the patient said he was feeling fine, and that they will be going to get something to eat.
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2021-06-11 |
shortness of breath |
felt mild chest tightness and shortness of breath for 2 days post vaccine (1st dose) that self resol...
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felt mild chest tightness and shortness of breath for 2 days post vaccine (1st dose) that self resolved
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2021-06-11 |
throat tightness, throat swelling |
06/08/21 2nd dose of Pfzier.Vaccination administered @ 10:44. According to client arm fasciculation ...
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06/08/21 2nd dose of Pfzier.Vaccination administered @ 10:44. According to client arm fasciculation ? started one minute after vaccine. Nausea 2 minutes after. Complaints of dizziness. Respirations 24 at 10:59. Respirations 28 and irregular at 11:04. Tightness in throat @11:10. Tongue not swollen. Breath sounds unobstructed(report given via school nurse), RN, PHN 06/09/2021 Mom reports child had fever and lump in throat the evening of event. The next morning child vommited x1. RN, PHN 06/11/2021 Mom reports no new side effects since the morning of 06/09/21 and the child is feeling fine. RN, PHN
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2021-06-12 |
shortness of breath |
5 minutes after injection: reported feeling hot + dizzy, then passed out momentarily. Recovered to n...
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5 minutes after injection: reported feeling hot + dizzy, then passed out momentarily. Recovered to normal within seconds. Approx 90 minutes after injection: rapid onset of extreme headache (outward pressure), difficulty breathing, chills, shaking, extreme fatigue, feeling of racing heart, mildly impaired vision, mildly impaired thought. These symptoms continued in waves over the subsequent 2-3 hours. Between waves, reported feeling fine.
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2021-06-14 |
shortness of breath |
Increased heart rate , trouble breathing alternating pain left and right side of chest and arm pits
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2021-06-14 |
painful respiration |
a 14 year old male with no significant past medical history who was in his usual state of health unt...
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a 14 year old male with no significant past medical history who was in his usual state of health until he after his 2nd dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination on Friday afternoon 6/11. On Saturday 6/12 he had headache, fever in the AM and had poor oral intake during the day and in the afternoon had developed mid sternal chest pain that Described as thumping and wrapped around his chest under his arms. He felt that it was worse with inspiration and continued to worsen despite tylenol. He went to a medical center where his workup on Saturday evening 6/12 was normal (including EKG and blood work). He also had some dizziness at that time but no syncope. He was changed from as needed tylenol to as needed motrin and instructed to take famotidine. On Sunday his chest pain persisted but was stable and he continued on motrin. On Monday 6/14 he had chest pain that felt like pounding this AM, headache, body aches, and pain in his bilateral arms, mouth and throat. He had some nausea but no vomiting or diarrhea. He represented to a medical center where his troponin was 0.25 ng/ml (normal 0-0.03 ng/ml) pro-BNP 324 (normal 0-125 pg/ml); ESR 9; CK 359; CK-MB 20.3; WBC 3.9; Hgb 14.1; plts 181. And he was noted to have ST elevations on EKG. He received toradol at 2:30pm with some improvement in his pain. His pain level has been variable 5-10/10; currently reporting that his chest pain is resolved. He has had no shortness of breath, palpitations, sick contacts, URI symptoms including cough, congestion, runny nose; no travel.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
Fever up to 102, on 6/13 and & 6/14 ; fever resolved and on 6/15 AM - chest pain and shortness of br...
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Fever up to 102, on 6/13 and & 6/14 ; fever resolved and on 6/15 AM - chest pain and shortness of breath. Went to ED - EKG with ST elevation, Troponin > 3. Transferred to hospital
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
Developed chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations 8 days after second COVID vaccine, promp...
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Developed chest pain, shortness of breath, and palpitations 8 days after second COVID vaccine, prompting PCP evaluation and ultimately hospital admission for concern for post-vaccine myocarditis
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2021-06-17 |
shortness of breath |
myocarditis; pericarditis; SOB; Chest pain; troponins as high as 25; BNP of 150s; This is a spontane...
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myocarditis; pericarditis; SOB; Chest pain; troponins as high as 25; BNP of 150s; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable pharmacist. A 14-year-old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), dose 1 intramuscular on 26May2021 (Lot Number: EW0197) at the age of 14-year-old as 1st dose, single dose for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included Autism, asthma and COVID-19 which was diagnosed prior to vaccination. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. The patient experienced pericarditis/myocarditis with "SOB" and Chest pain and troponins as high as 25 and BNP of 150s. All the events occurred on 27May2021 with outcome of not recovered. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included COVID-19 IgM (Nasal Swab): negative on 29May2021, COVID-19 IgG (Blood test) positive on 29May2021. The patient received NSAIDS and Opioids as treatment.; Sender's Comments: Based on the available information and known product profile, the causal relationship between the reported events and the use of BNT162B2 cannot be fully excluded. There is limited information available, which precludes a more meaningful assessment. The case will be assessed further upon receipt of additional information. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer drug is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be promptly notified to Regulatory Authorities, Ethics Committees and Investigators, as appropriate
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2021-06-17 |
shortness of breath |
SOB and hives
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2021-06-17 |
painful respiration |
Received 2nd COVID-19 vaccine on 6/14 and developed headache and myalgia that evening. On 6/15, cont...
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Received 2nd COVID-19 vaccine on 6/14 and developed headache and myalgia that evening. On 6/15, continued to have these symptoms then developed abdominal pain and vomited once. Symptoms persisted on 6/16; then developed chest pain at 11:00PM and reported that pain seemed worse when inhaling and was sharp, shooting pain. Presented to ED at 12:00 AM on 6/17 and subsequently transferred to Pediatric ICU due to elevated troponin and d-dimer. Initial EKG showed tachycardia. Cardiologist consulted. He had an echocardiogram on 6/17 AM that showed mildly depressed LV systolic function with EF ~58%. Troponin was elevated from 2.9 to 16.9. Due to echo and elevation in troponin patient received 100 gm IVIG (max dose based on IBW). Has required one dose of 15 mg ketorolac IV and 650 mg acetaminophen PO x1 for chest pain. At 1:00 PM on 6/17, troponin increased to 54.6 and aspirin 81 mg started. Chest x-ray showed borderline cardiomegaly. On 6/18 repeat echocardiogram with normalized LVEF and considered a normal echocardiogram per cardiologist.
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2021-06-18 |
shortness of breath |
fever to 101 F on 6/17/2021 at 8am which persisted. Chest pain started 6/18/2021 at 3am and has be...
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fever to 101 F on 6/17/2021 at 8am which persisted. Chest pain started 6/18/2021 at 3am and has been constant. sharp chest pain lower chest midline, worse with laying, better with sitting or walking. Shortness of breath with laying also. Also has palpitations, light headedness, dizziness, nausea, feels clammy. Chest pain worse on 6/19/2021 at 1:30 am and came to the ED for further evaluation and treatment. Just got admitted and full evaluation in progress.
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2021-06-19 |
shortness of breath |
Developed headaches the morning after receiving the vaccine (6/16) The evening after the vaccine dev...
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Developed headaches the morning after receiving the vaccine (6/16) The evening after the vaccine developed substernal chest pressure and dyspnea Symptoms continued intermittently for 4 das, then presented to emergency department Had a dry cough as well, did not have any fevers, chills, or myalgias On 6/19 chest pain and shortness of breath worsened, pediatrician advised to go to ED Admitted on 6/19 Labs showed elevated CRP, elevated troponin; repeat troponin elevated so patient received chest MRI and echo, both negative (6/20) Patient received IVIG on 6/20 Currently admitted (6/20); clinically improved with improving chest pain, no shortness of breath
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2021-06-20 |
throat tightness |
Patient arrived to observation room and shortly after called observation RN over to him and reported...
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Patient arrived to observation room and shortly after called observation RN over to him and reported that throat "feels funny, sore and tight, but not having difficulty breathing." RN administered 25 mg benadryl to patient and gave him water to make sure he could swallow. Patient had no difficulty swallowing benadryl. At 1240, patient reported no changes. At 1250, patient reported that he was "feeling better." At 1303, patient left with mom and reported feeling much better- no residual issues.
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2021-06-21 |
shortness of breath |
Patient is a 14 y.o. male with no significant PMHx who presented on 6/7 with substernal chest pain, ...
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Patient is a 14 y.o. male with no significant PMHx who presented on 6/7 with substernal chest pain, SOB, and diaphoresis. Chest pain while he was in class and progressively worsened, was substernal and was not affected by position. Rated pain as 7/10. He also had associated diaphoresis and SOB. He reported to his school nurse who sent him to the ED. Denies palpitations, no syncope or LOC. No trauma to his chest. No palpitations. No family history of cardiac disease. Denies fever. He plays basketball, football and bassbal but reports he had not participated in any sports after he got the second dose of the vaccine. No similar history of chest pain in the past. No history of syncope. Of note, he received the second dose of the Pfizer COVID vaccine on 6/4. He had received the first dose 3 weeks earlier. In the ED he was noted to be afebrile, PR of 64, RR of 18 and BP of 117/71. His SpO2 was 98% on room air. His Troponin T was 0.04 and BNP was <50. CRP was 10.3, Ferritin, 64 and had a reassuring CBC. Chest XR with no evidence of a cardiopulmonary process. His EKG showed borderline ST elevation in lead II. Pedi ID consulted for acute myocarditis in the setting of completed Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Echo on 6/8 showed normal cardiac anatomy and normal biventricular function. Repeat EKG on 6/8 was normal. Troponin T on 6/8 increased to 0.16. His CRP today is down to 7.3. His COVID-19 nasopharyngeal PCR is negative but SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibody and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody were both positive. No known history of COVID-19 infection in patient or family members. RVP is negative. CMV serology is negative but other infectious diseases work up are pending. UA without pyuria. He has received IVIG and now on steroid.
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2021-06-22 |
shortness of breath |
Shortness of breath, mild chest pressure and tachycardia began 28 hrs after 2nd dose.
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2021-06-22 |
shortness of breath |
Pt reports that on 06/17/21 he had one episode of trouble breathing & shortness of breath at rest th...
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Pt reports that on 06/17/21 he had one episode of trouble breathing & shortness of breath at rest that resolved. Pt reports he experienced this again on 06/23/21 when he woke up, with improvement throughout the day.
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Woke with chest pain and trouble breathing at 6:00am on 6/12/21 (two days after seconod shot). Doct...
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Woke with chest pain and trouble breathing at 6:00am on 6/12/21 (two days after seconod shot). Doctor in emergency room diagnosed acute pericarditis. Need to follow up with Pediatrician and recommended Cardiology. Tests were blood work, x-ray and CT scan. CT Angiogram Chest for PE with IV Contrast 6/12/21 ECG performed 2x 6/12/21 X Ray Chest 2 views PA/Lat 6/12/21 will be seeing Pediatrician on 6/28/21 - 773-522-6100
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Exactly one week after the 2nd shot, patient was at a track meet and suddenly had a sharp pain in hi...
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Exactly one week after the 2nd shot, patient was at a track meet and suddenly had a sharp pain in his chest. It hurt when he inhaled, and he didn't compete. He has never experienced this kind of chest pain before. We thought it was an allergic reaction (hayfever?) because it seemed harder to breathe, so we gave him a benadryl and later went home. He was tired and took a long nap. Later he felt better. But it was scary. I think he underreported how he felt, to not alarm us parents. He admits this now. There's not logical cause other than the vaccine ( no new foods, medications, experiences). However, he didn't have any other notable side effects from the 1st or 2nd dose, except tiredness and arm soreness the first days.
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Patient was given vaccine with no initial side effects and was asked to wait for 15 minutes before l...
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Patient was given vaccine with no initial side effects and was asked to wait for 15 minutes before leaving facility. During that wait time patient started to develop blurred vision, and the pharmacist was alerted that the patient fell on the way to the bathroom. Patient was then guided into the immunization room when he briefly lost consciousness. While patient was seated, pharmacist assessed for anaphylaxis reaction and contacted emergency services. Blood pressure was taken and noted to be elevated, other symptoms included blurred vision and sweating. Patient denied itching, swelling, or trouble breathing. Patient did not receive epi-pen and was assessed by emergency services. Patient recovered shortly after emergency services arrived, no further services were needed
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2021-06-25 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain, shortness of breath, trouble swallowing, cough
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2021-06-25 |
shortness of breath |
Client 5 minutes after receiving Pfizer 1 st dose vaccine client felt lightheaded. Client laid dow...
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Client 5 minutes after receiving Pfizer 1 st dose vaccine client felt lightheaded. Client laid down to floor supine and was awake and alert. Client face was flushed and client appeared anxious--HR 80bpm. Client's extremities cool and client reported tongue was swelling and bilateral arms were tingling. Epi pen 0.3 mg IM administered in left thigh and 911 called. Client remained alert until paramedics arrived--breathing labored and hands clenched down. Mother at side
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2021-06-25 |
shortness of breath |
Had seizure. Fell in shower, started shaking uncontrollably, had difficulty breathing. He had a seiz...
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Had seizure. Fell in shower, started shaking uncontrollably, had difficulty breathing. He had a seizure for the first time in his life 6 days after first dose (already reported). This one was his second seizure ever.
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2021-06-25 |
throat tightness |
Patient received the vaccine. He stated he felt fine-not dizzy/etc He stood up and I walked him ...
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Patient received the vaccine. He stated he felt fine-not dizzy/etc He stood up and I walked him to the vaccination waiting area. Myself as well as 2 of my technicians checked in on him for a total of 3 checks. He was waiting for another person to get their vaccination. Upon checking in on the other person (he was still sitting in the waiting area) I asked him how he was feeling. Approximately 25 min had elapsed. He said his throat felt weird like closing. I had him remove his mask immediately. I assisted him to the immunization booth. He was able to walk on his own. I observed him. He said it felt the same maybe a little worse. No other signs of allergic reaction. Technician called 911. He said he was not dizzy and his color was normal. His blood pressure was slightly elevated. He said he had to keep yawning and felt tired and his throat seemed to be getting worse. I administered an epipen and immediately afterwards the paramedics were there. He walked to the stretcher and they took him to the hospital for further evaluation.
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2021-06-26 |
shortness of breath |
Patient received second dose of covid vaccine on 6/22/21, then developed SOB and CP on 6/25/21. He ...
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Patient received second dose of covid vaccine on 6/22/21, then developed SOB and CP on 6/25/21. He was seen in the outpatient clinic and had an EKG which did not show significant ST elevation or LVH. His troponin could not be drawn at that time d/t difficult access- he had labs done on 6/27/21 which were signficant for troponin of 2.1ng./mL. He had a repeat EKG on 6/27/21 which did show subtle ST elevation in the inferior leads. He was diagnosed with myocarditis- Cardiology was consulted. He is being admitted to the hospital for observation overnight- will get an echocardiogram and serial troponins- results not yet known at the time of this report. He is currently en route to the hospital.
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2021-06-27 |
shortness of breath |
Reported that he experienced chest pain, irregular heart beat, difficulty breathing and fatigue star...
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Reported that he experienced chest pain, irregular heart beat, difficulty breathing and fatigue staring the night he got the 1st dose of the vaccine 6/5/21. Chest pain lasted approx. 7 days (more at night). Palpitations lasted for about 2 weeks (intermittent). Difficulty breathing was only at night when he tried to lay down (lasted about 10 days). When last seen in clinic 6/29/21 reports all symptoms resolved.
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2021-06-27 |
shortness of breath |
Developed shortness of breath, chest tightness on exertion while training cross country (run about 2...
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Developed shortness of breath, chest tightness on exertion while training cross country (run about 2 miles) - 3 days post second dose mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer). He had to stop, rest for the rest of training. No palpitations, dizziness, or syncope. He was seen by PCP 06/7/21, seen by Cardiology 06/08/21.
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2021-06-27 |
painful respiration |
6/27/21 Developed left chest pain at 5 p.m. Took ibuprofen that did not really help. Slept fine. Che...
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6/27/21 Developed left chest pain at 5 p.m. Took ibuprofen that did not really help. Slept fine. Chest pain returned at 11 a.m. on 6/28/21 while playing tennis. Chest pain increases with deep breath. He needs to take deep inhalation at times to feel comfortable breathing. No symptoms increased with laying flat. He had 1 Diarrhea episode after vaccine which he blames on food he ate. Next bowel movement was normal. No fever.
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2021-06-28 |
shortness of breath |
Patient had fevers and malaise the day after the vaccine, recovered, but then developed chest pain w...
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Patient had fevers and malaise the day after the vaccine, recovered, but then developed chest pain with exertion and fatigue apprx 4-5 days after the vaccine. Symptoms persisted with worsening shortness of breath and he then presented to the ED on 6/28/21. He was found to have mildly elevated troponin and ST segment elevation. He was admitted, monitored, and had normalization of troponin levels over the next 24 hours as well as resolution of symptoms. Echocardiogram was normal. He was discharged on 6/29/21 with a Holter monitor and outpatient Cardiology follow up.
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2021-06-28 |
shortness of breath |
fever of 102.5F the morning after covid vaccine #2 given. Also had chest pain and shortness of brea...
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fever of 102.5F the morning after covid vaccine #2 given. Also had chest pain and shortness of breath. Tylenol given which helped with symptoms. The following day, all symptoms had resolved.
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2021-06-29 |
shortness of breath |
Patient received vaccine together with his family (he was 3rd out of 4). He said the shot hurt. Afte...
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Patient received vaccine together with his family (he was 3rd out of 4). He said the shot hurt. After all were vaccinated, he said he felt weird. I had him sit for monitoring with his family. His parent told me he still felt weird, and that they walked around the store, but now he has a bad headache and feels a little winded. I had him sit in the immunization room with mask off for further monitoring. After a few more minutes, he said it felt like he was suffocating. I administered 1 Epi-Pen at 10:08PM in his left thigh and called an ambulance. Soon after, he was shaking/shivering, but said it was getting easier to breathe. EMT arrived shortly after, noted the hives on his back, and took him to the hospital.
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2021-06-29 |
shortness of breath |
Symptoms started on 6/24 at 2:00am: chest pain difficulty breathing horrible cough Per doctor reque...
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Symptoms started on 6/24 at 2:00am: chest pain difficulty breathing horrible cough Per doctor request to take IB profrin and plenty of rest and asthma pump for lungs. As of today, he states the chest pain is minimum and his breathing is better. However the cough is still around mainly in the mornings.
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2021-06-29 |
painful respiration |
Pfizer COVID vaccine (6/23 dose 2). That evening he developed chills. . He developed body aches, de...
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Pfizer COVID vaccine (6/23 dose 2). That evening he developed chills. . He developed body aches, decreased energy level, and decreased appetite. He woke up with extreme chest pain that radiated to the lower portion of his neck. He felt his heart racing and found it hard to take deep breaths secondary to pain. Brought to ED for further evaluation. He was afebrile, 99.4. Cardiologist on-call, was contacted and recommended transfer to another facility. In the hospital ED
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2021-06-29 |
rapid breathing |
Client reported acute, sharp chest pain the moment the needle entered his arm. Chest pain was tempor...
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Client reported acute, sharp chest pain the moment the needle entered his arm. Chest pain was temporarily relieved by pressure, accompanied by diaphoresis, tachypnea and hypertension. EMS was called and initial EKG showed abnormal T waves. Client was transported to hospital for further care.
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2021-07-02 |
shortness of breath |
symptomatic with POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), chest pain, short of breath.
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2021-07-03 |
shortness of breath |
1 week after receiving vaccine #2, PT complained of fatigue and. Started getting lightheaded with st...
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1 week after receiving vaccine #2, PT complained of fatigue and. Started getting lightheaded with standing and walking. Day 11 after the vaccine he complained of chest pain, so I took in to the ED at Hospital. His EKG, CXR, tropinin, CK,BNP were normal but he was orthostatic by heart rate. He followed up with Dr. and he recommended push fluids, more salt/Gatorade. He has continued to have orthostatic tachycardia and when he walks household distances his HR goes up to 120-140. He is lightheaded with minimal exertion. Climbing one flight of stairs makes him short of breath. He has an appointment with Dr. tomorrow, 7-5 and I will request more labs and cardiology referral. PT was in good shape and played basketball before the vaccine.
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2021-07-05 |
shortness of breath |
Patient developed sudden onset shortness of breath and chest pain 1.5 days after his second COVID va...
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Patient developed sudden onset shortness of breath and chest pain 1.5 days after his second COVID vaccine. He has had persistent shortness of breath and chest pain since then for 1 month despite ibuprofen.
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2021-07-05 |
painful respiration |
Pt mother called and stated that pt is vomiting and has a fever of 101.9 pt mother state that pt rec...
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Pt mother called and stated that pt is vomiting and has a fever of 101.9 pt mother state that pt received the second dose of COVID vaccine on 6/29/21 and now he is having these symptoms. Pt mother state that pt had these symptoms before with the first dose however they resolved on there own. Pt is now complaining of chest pain is unable to take a deep breath because it causes him pain. Patient Has not attempted treatment at home. CHIEF COMPLAINT: VOMITING (one episode of vomiting this morning) and FEVER (fever started on Wednesday) Assessment/Plan DIAGNOSIS at time of disposition: 1. Acute myocarditis, unspecified myocarditis type 2. Acute chest pain 3. COVID-19 virus not detected Patient presents with chest pain 2 days after 2nd COVID-19 vaccine. Labs were obtained and his troponin is elevated to 122 and his CRP is also elevated. I discussed case with ID, recommended admitting to Cardiology for workup for myocarditis. 14 y/o previously healthy male who presented to hospital after onset of chest pain, fever, chills, and vomiting this morning. Found to have elevated troponin and mild ST changes on EKG. Patient recently received 2nd Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine on 6/29. Admitted for close monitoring and further work up of suspected myopericarditis following COVID vaccination.
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2021-07-08 |
pleuritic chest pain |
Patient reports onset of chest pain three days after his second Pfizer COVID vaccine. In the followi...
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Patient reports onset of chest pain three days after his second Pfizer COVID vaccine. In the following three days after his vaccine, he had headache, decreased appetite, and mild nausea. However was still taking in fluids, decreased solid food intake. He also experienced insomnia and generalized malaise. At midnight on 07/02 he began to experience 9/10 substernal chest pain that was sharp, burning in sensation and located in the middle of the chest, non-radiating, pleuritic which lasted for several hours. Patient has had no fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, congestion, sore throat or cough. Denies any SOB, dizziness, syncope, palpitations, edema, orthopnea. There has been no trauma to the chest. No recent URIs. He was seen at a hospital where he was found to have a trop of 1251 ng/L (converting to ~1.5 in our system) then one hour later up to 1500mg/L. His EKG at the hospital demonstrated lateral ST elevations. Had a normal CXR. He was given Maalox which was not helpful. He was transferred to another medical facility after 3 hours at the hospital. Upon presentation to the emergency department, his vitals were stable. He had elevated CRP to 7.69, troponin was 1.0. CBC and Chem were normal. BNP normal at 15. Bedside ultrasound showed no pericardial effusion. Cardiology was consulted and ECHO showed mild left ventricular dysfunction with EF 47%. Repeat EKG here showed ongoing ST elevations in lateral leads, though mild. His pain has since improved to a 2/10. He has not required any medication for his pain. He is COVID/flu/RSV negative. On arrival to the floor, his chest pain had completely resolved. Patient reports the pain was pleuritic, worse with exertion and improving on rest. PMH: idiopathic urticaria Allergies: NKDA Family history: none reported, no cardiac disease or sudden cardiac death Hospital Course: Patient was admitted to the cardiology floor for continued monitoring of his troponin levels and EKG. He was then treated with IVIG 2g/kg and started on methylprednisolone IV x 2 doses. He initially had some very mild chest discomfort that improved by day 2 of admission. An echocardiogram was performed which showed improvement in his EF to 54%. Given his dysfunction, he was started on Enalapril 2.5mg twice daily. He was transitioned over to PO steroids which he tolerated well. On day of discharge, his troponin levels were trending down, and EKG was WNL. Cardiac MRI was performed and showed late gadolinium enhancement in the left ventricle. He had occasional PVCs but no arrhythmias. Viral myocarditis studies were sent and all negative. By time of discharge, patient was well-appearing, vitals stable, demonstrating good PO intake. Prescriptions sent to preferred pharmacy. Follow up with cardiology in place. Discharge instructions and return precautions reviewed with patient and parent, who expressed good understanding and agreement with plan. Patient will follow up in cardiology clinic next week with a repeat MRI 3-6 months.
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2021-07-08 |
throat tightness |
Pt. reports that a few hours after the vaccine, he felt that his throat and chest were tight and unc...
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Pt. reports that a few hours after the vaccine, he felt that his throat and chest were tight and uncomfortable and then he developed fever, chills, myalgias after vaccination that resolved after about 48 hours. Last documented fever was Tuesday (7/6) morning. In general, he has been feeling tired with decreased appetite but maintained adequate hydration and has had normal urine output. Over the past 24 hours, he has developed chest discomfort that has progressed to chest pain; it peaked this morning (7/8) when he woke up and he woke his parents up because the pain was so bad. Due to chest pain, he presented to the ED for evaluation where he was found to have non-specific ST segment changes on his EKG, elevated troponin to 5.69. He was admitted to the hospital and treated with NSAIDs where he has been improving.
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2021-07-14 |
respiratory failure |
Approximately 22 hours after receiving Pfizer vaccine #1, he became febrile to 100 degrees fahrenhei...
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Approximately 22 hours after receiving Pfizer vaccine #1, he became febrile to 100 degrees fahrenheit, and desaturated down to mid 80% on RA requiring O2 via NC at 2l. Was taken and admitted with impending respiratory failure.
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2021-07-17 |
shortness of breath |
Dizzy; Heart palpitations; Difficulty breathing/ he couldn't breathe/his throat started closing up; ...
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Dizzy; Heart palpitations; Difficulty breathing/ he couldn't breathe/his throat started closing up; Allergic reaction; Swollen throat and tongue/ his throat was swollen; Swollen throat and tongue/ his tongue was swollen; Hives all over his body; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (parent). A 14-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, Solution for injection, Lot Number: EW0187), via an unspecified route of administration on 29Jun2021 at 09:40 (at the age of 14-year- old), as dose 1, single in left arm for COVID-19 immunisation at pharmacy. The patient's medical history was reported as none and concomitant medications were not reported. The patient did not receive any other vaccine on the same date of the Pfizer vaccine and no other vaccines were taken within 4 weeks of COVID vaccine. On 29Jun2021 at 09:40, right after the first dose of vaccine, the patient experienced allergic reaction and had swollen throat and tongue/his throat was swollen, difficulty breathing/he couldn't breathe/his throat started closing up, hives all over his body, and heart palpitations; all for a duration of 1 day 14 hours and 20 minutes. On 30Jun2021, 14 hours and 20 minutes after the administration of first dose of vaccine, the patient was dizzy, for a duration of 2 days. Later, the patient felt better. Treatment received included Epi Pen. Reporter stated that the pharmacist called the ambulance and took him to the Emergency Room for Pediatrics where he received Benadryl and something else for his breathing. Adverse event resulted in visit to emergency room on 29Jun2021 and physician office for allergic reaction. The clinical outcome of the event dizzy was resolved on 02Jul2021 and clinical outcome of all other events was resolved on 01Jul2021. Follow-up attempts are completed. No further information is expected.
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2021-07-18 |
painful respiration |
Severe chest pain (he said it hurt to breath) Fever for 2 days. He had acetaminophen every 4 hours.
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2021-07-21 |
respiration abnormal |
Patient had sharp chest pain while running long distance after vaccine more than once. During his do...
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Patient had sharp chest pain while running long distance after vaccine more than once. During his doctor?s exam they noticed something with his breathing that led to an EKG, which came back abnormal. They ran additional X-rays and lab work to confirm he needed to be referred to a cardiologist. Patient has past health issues and has never had Covid. He is extremely healthy and doesn?t take any medications. His weight is healthy. He is physically fit and exercises on a regular basis. Doctor suspects pericarditis related to vaccine.
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2021-07-23 |
shortness of breath |
Myocarditis. Patient presented with chest pain and SOB 5-6 days after receiving vaccine #1. Found to...
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Myocarditis. Patient presented with chest pain and SOB 5-6 days after receiving vaccine #1. Found to have myocarditis with depressed LV function
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2021-07-25 |
painful respiration |
Patient presented w/ fever x 1d. S/p COVID #1. Tm 99.6F; defervesce w/ antipyretics. Assoc w/ chest ...
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Patient presented w/ fever x 1d. S/p COVID #1. Tm 99.6F; defervesce w/ antipyretics. Assoc w/ chest pain w/ breathing; denied resp distress, shortness of breath, palpitations, LOC, MS change. or other neuro/cardio/pulm difficulties. Denied cough, rhinorrhea, vomit, diarrhea, rash, or lethargy. Normal PO and UOP. Provider referred patient to visit ER on 07/12/21. On 07/13/21, nurse reached patient to follow ER visit. Patient stated that symptoms resolved after 07/12/21 visit. Patient did not went to ER.
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2021-07-26 |
respiration abnormal |
After 12 hours of the vaccine on 7/23 he started exp chest discomfort, heavy breathing and felt feve...
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After 12 hours of the vaccine on 7/23 he started exp chest discomfort, heavy breathing and felt feverish. The next day on 7/24 he had aches and pain took Melatonin to sleep. As of today he is feeling better a little anxiety.
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2021-07-27 |
throat tightness |
Sensation of throat tightness started at 9 pm, persistent at least several hours (while in emergency...
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Sensation of throat tightness started at 9 pm, persistent at least several hours (while in emergency department). Advised to take Benadryl. Discharged to home from emergency department.
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2021-07-28 |
shortness of breath |
Symptoms for 14 year old male were chest pains on left side, with difficulty taking deep breath?s. S...
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Symptoms for 14 year old male were chest pains on left side, with difficulty taking deep breath?s. Symptoms worse when lying down. Symptoms began at 3:00 AM and Continued until the morning when mother took son to local emergency room. Bloodwork and diagnostic x-ray showed no abnormalities, patient was discharged at 11:49 AM with recommendation of rest, ibuprofen or Tylenol as needed for chest discomfort. Advice to return to ED for worsening pain.
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2021-07-28 |
shortness of breath |
Patient was alert but disoriented, difficulty breathing, speaking in between breathes, chest tightn...
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Patient was alert but disoriented, difficulty breathing, speaking in between breathes, chest tightness, dizziness, and nausea 5 minutes after receiving the Pfizer Covid 19 Vaccine. 911 was called & paramedics arrived at the scene about 10 minutes from onset of patients symptoms. Patient was taken into Paramedics care and transported to the hospital.
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2021-05-14 |
throat swelling |
About 15-20 minutes after receiving the vaccination patient complained of numbness in throat and sli...
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About 15-20 minutes after receiving the vaccination patient complained of numbness in throat and slight swelling. Said he had no difficulty breathing. I gave patient 50mg of diphenhydramine and observed patient for an additional 15 minutes, at the end of this time patient said numbness had resolved and the swelling was gone. I counseled both mom and patient to call 911 if patient were to experience difficulty breathing later in the day or if throat swelling/numbness returned. About 6 hours after vaccination patient complained tingling in legs and feet but no throat numbness or swelling, advised patient to go to urgent care. of Also advised patient to follow up with pcp.
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2021-05-14 |
throat swelling |
Patient had throat swelling potentially difficulty swallowing. Patient was given Benadryl and patien...
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Patient had throat swelling potentially difficulty swallowing. Patient was given Benadryl and patient improved. Reaction occurred 30 minutes after dose. Patient has history of allergies and Asthma and had similar reaction to peanut in past. Vital signs were all stable throughout the course. Patient will follow up with physician allergist this week
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2021-05-15 |
shortness of breath, throat tightness |
Patient stated his throat was tightening up and that he was having difficulty breathing shortly afte...
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Patient stated his throat was tightening up and that he was having difficulty breathing shortly after (~20 min) receiving the vaccine. Parent stated that the patient has a known allergy to peanuts but was assured that the covid19 vaccine from Pfizer does not contain any peanuts. I checked to make sure the patient didn't have any hives or swelling in any other areas of body and face. Patient was still alert and able to speak but did display some labored breathing. I had an EpiPen ready to administer but first gave him 50 mg of diphenhydramine liquid which he showed difficulty ingesting and continued to monitor while EMS was on their way. When EMS arrived they checked the patient's O2 and it was at normal levels. EMS determined patient was okay and gave the parent the option of taking the patient home or she could have him taken to the ER in an ambulance. Parent decided to take patient home.
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2021-05-17 |
shortness of breath |
Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Confusion-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lig...
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Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Breathing-Mild, Systemic: Confusion-Medium, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Severe, Systemic: Fainting / Unresponsive-Severe, Systemic: Hypotension-Severe, Additional Details: sweating profusely, EMS called and came to pharmacy, checked on pt and all clear for him to leave, parents had no problem and said they didnt need anything before they leave
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2021-05-18 |
very rapid breathing |
Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Mild, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Hyperventilat...
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Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Mild, Systemic: Flushed / Sweating-Mild, Systemic: Hyperventilation-Mild, Systemic: Numbness (specify: facial area, extremities)-Mild, Systemic: Shakiness-Mild, Systemic: Tachycardia-Mild, Systemic: Tingling (specify: facial area, extemities)-Mild, Additional Details: Patient started experiencing numbness, tingling, and hand cramps minutes after receiving his pfizer vaccine. We sat him down in the chair and had him relax. I called EMS shortly after and they arrived quickly. They worked him up and concluded that he was having a panic attack related to being give the vaccine. Patient states that he wasnt anxious about it previous to administration nor did he seem anxious as well. He was calmed down by the EMS personnel and then was able to walk out of the store
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2021-05-25 |
throat tightness, throat swelling |
throat tightness/swelling
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2021-05-26 |
shortness of breath |
muscle spasms and weakness to the arm in which the injection was administered, shortness of breath a...
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muscle spasms and weakness to the arm in which the injection was administered, shortness of breath and chest discomfort
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2021-05-26 |
shortness of breath |
Client received the 1st dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine lot #EW0185 and expiration date 6/24/21 at 5:52...
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Client received the 1st dose of Pfizer COVID vaccine lot #EW0185 and expiration date 6/24/21 at 5:52PM. Per vaccinator, reports that client was saying, "Wow that was aniclimactic" after getting vaccine. Per vaccinator, she notices within 1-2 minutes client got quiet and then reported "I am not feeling well." Client received vaccine in left deltoid. RN requested PHN 1 to get gravity chair. PHN grabbed gravity chair and asked RN to get BP cuff and pulse ox. PHN arrive to assess client and found client alert and oriented x 4 in chair at 5:53PM. Client was already drinking water given by vaccinator when PHN arrived. Client reports he was experiencing "dizziness and slight shortness of breath." PHN ask client if he thought he was steady enough to switch to gravity chair. Client stood up slowly and sat in the gravity chair. RN 1 asked client if his throat felt tight-client responds-"No" and coached client to take deep, slow breaths. At 5:55PM vitals are: blood pressure: 130/90, pulse: 55 and oxygen: 98%. At 5:57pm client reports no longer feeling shortness of breath. Client is speaking in full sentences and able to answer all PHN questions about chest pain and headache and client reports having neither. At 6pm vitals: blood pressure:125/90, pulse:75, and oxygen:100%. PHN instruct RN to get Lead PHN or Co-Lead. Client reports he has slight dizziness and feels lightheaded and reports that earlier he had blurred vision but now is seeing clearly. At 6:03PM vitals are: blood pressure:160/100, client appears pale and heart rate:140, and oxygen: 100%. Lead PHN arrives to take over assessment and PHN starts calling 9-1-1 at 6:04PM as blood pressure is repeated by co-lead :180/90, oxygen100% and pulse 129 and upon auscultation hears clear lungs and heart palpitations. Client is then reports shortness of breath and dizziness, no headache and no blurred vision. Parent reports that client has a history of asthma but rarely needs inhaler so she does not have it on her and that client recently had been on antibiotics for Gastrointestinal history and a bad cough (not COVID)-all symptoms had been resolved before receiving vaccine. At 6:07pm Vitals: blood pressure: 170/90, pulse:100%; no change in symptoms. At 6:08pm vitals: blood pressure:170/90, pulse: 94, and oxygen: 100%, client reports experiencing tightness in chest and unable to complete breath. Client reports no chest pain. Vitals taken again by RN due to new symptom, blood pressure: 122/70, pulse:93 and oxygen: 100%. RN auscultate again and hears palpitations have slowed and lungs clear. At 6:10PM, vitals are blood pressure:124/74 and pulse: 96. Client reports feeling "shaky, tightness on chest" and could not take full breaths. Paramedics assumed care at 6:12pm. Client and parent left on stretcher with paramedics to be transported to Hospital. Tell security that mother is leaving blue pathfinder in parking lot. Security assures he will not tow vehicle.
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2021-05-30 |
pleuritic chest pain |
5/30/21 - Patient woke up feeling chest pain that was localized to the left side of his chest, pleur...
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5/30/21 - Patient woke up feeling chest pain that was localized to the left side of his chest, pleuritic in nature. The problems persistent despite trying medications like tums for heartburn. Pain improved at night but never fully resolved. 5/31/21: Patient continued to have chest pain and mother became worried and brought the patient to the urgent care
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2021-05-31 |
shortness of breath |
Per parent, patient experienced chest and back pain along with shortness of breath and fever (did no...
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Per parent, patient experienced chest and back pain along with shortness of breath and fever (did not take actual temp with thermometer but felt warm) for 2 days starting one day after his first dose of Pfizer vaccine. They did not take the patient to the ER, just self monitored at home. Symptoms have resolved.
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2021-05-31 |
shortness of breath |
Developed chest pain radiates to spine shortness of breath due to chest pain
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2021-06-02 |
asthma, shortness of breath |
had a light fever and sore arm after vaccine, started complaining of chest pain the night after vacc...
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had a light fever and sore arm after vaccine, started complaining of chest pain the night after vaccine , a few days later started complaining about not being able to breath and face was swollen, mom rushed to hospital and they said his oxygen level was low and he was having a asthma attack which he hasn't had since he was a baby. hospital had to give him 8 treatments of albuterol. my son is still not completely back to his normal self
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2021-06-06 |
shortness of breath |
Patient has severe anxiety when getting vaccines per Dad. Patient did eat before vaccine at around 1...
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Patient has severe anxiety when getting vaccines per Dad. Patient did eat before vaccine at around 10am. He stayed conscious the entire time, but had trouble standing and said he felt like he could not breathe.
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2021-06-06 |
shortness of breath |
One day after vaccine (6/6) patient had fever, chills, vomiting and developed hemoptysis and shortne...
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One day after vaccine (6/6) patient had fever, chills, vomiting and developed hemoptysis and shortness of breath. He was found to have pulmonary hemorrhage and was intubated on 6/6.
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2021-06-06 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain, headache, shortness of breath. Now with convulsive movements and periods of unresponsive...
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Chest pain, headache, shortness of breath. Now with convulsive movements and periods of unresponsiveness. Work up for seizures and encephalopathy in progress. Dx studies: troponin, BNP, EKG, chest CT, head CT (all negative), CRP (elevated). Currently in Pediatric ICU and work up in progress (6/7)
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2021-06-06 |
painful respiration |
Initially had headache and chills after vaccine, on day 3 after vaccine developed chest pain (midste...
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Initially had headache and chills after vaccine, on day 3 after vaccine developed chest pain (midsternal and worse with inspiration), had one episode of emesis. On admission to hospital had elevated troponin, pro-BNP, Crp, normal EKG but echo consistent with Low normal left ventricular systolic function (biplane EF = 58.9 % and 3D EF = 55.37 %).
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
Pt was given his 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine at pharmacy on 6/3/21 at 1:20pm. Minutes after the vacc...
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Pt was given his 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine at pharmacy on 6/3/21 at 1:20pm. Minutes after the vaccine pt developed headache, stiffness of neck, dizziness, fatigue and SOB. Epipen was brought out but never administered, pt was there for about 45 min. Was sent home and took Advil 400mg. Was playing badminton with lots of running 30-45 min prior to vaccine. No other vaccines given in the past year. Since the vaccine, pt has had fever up to 102. Continued headache, neck stiffness. 1st night 6/3/21- bad headache, throbbing headache all around head but worse back right side and then "spikes" on left side (like someone was hitting him with an axe) and fell asleep d/t sever pain, trouble breathing in the next few days 2nd night 6/4/21- neck pain and stiffness was really bad, he looked pale and almost disoriented. Had fever. Slow to respond. Would get rush of bad headache if he moved his neck too fast. Afraid he would fall down if he moved too fast. 3rd night 6/5/21 - (called 911) chest pain, difficulty breathing, vomited stomach acid, pain radiated down chest to the left, pain only when breathing in and went away the next AM 6/7/21 Chest still feels sore on Left side. Biggest issue right now is headache.
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2021-06-07 |
shortness of breath |
My 15-year-old son received dose #2 of Pfizer?s Covid-19 vaccine at 10:30am on 6/6/21. At 1:00am on ...
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My 15-year-old son received dose #2 of Pfizer?s Covid-19 vaccine at 10:30am on 6/6/21. At 1:00am on 6/8/21 he was struggling to breathe due to pain in the center of his chest upon inhalation. Nothing like this has ever happened to him before. His chest pain was worse lying down and he could not lie down or sleep and wanted to stay standing on his feet. He felt pain in both forearms too. He was crying from the pain and the difficulty of breathing, and was very tired but unable to recline in order to sleep. I called the advice nurse, who checked with the doctor on call at his pediatrician?s office, and she told us to go to the ER due to concern it may be myocarditis or pericarditis.
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2021-06-07 |
painful respiration |
6/6-fever (102 temporal) and headache, these resolved, followed later by chest pain, went to medical...
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6/6-fever (102 temporal) and headache, these resolved, followed later by chest pain, went to medical center and evaluated, negative troponins. 6/7-chest pain began again, returned to medical center, found to have elevated troponin of 3.19. 6/8 at 1am-Transferred to another medical center PICU where he had sensation of numbness in left arm, a squeezing sensation of left arm, and severe chest pain. EKG showing ST elevation and troponin of 3.75. Given dose of 30mg Toradol and pain resolved. Started on Motrin q6h, trending troponins. In the morning pain much improved, but still with pain on deep inspiration relieved with leaning forward. Repeat EKG shows diffuse ST elevation, consistent with presumptive diagnosis of myopericarditis. Repeat troponin at 9am of 9.3, BNP of 197. Echo done wnl. Scheduled for cardiac MRI with contrast per cardiology recommendation to r/o myocardial edema. Viral panel sent to r/o viral etiology despite no prior symptoms.
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2021-06-07 |
wheezing |
started to wheeze, congested , tired, cough, ended up with croup after wards. was fine before the sh...
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started to wheeze, congested , tired, cough, ended up with croup after wards. was fine before the shot.
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2021-06-08 |
shortness of breath |
Apparent percarditis. Heart palpitations, chest pain, trouble breathing ( due to chest pain). Wor...
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Apparent percarditis. Heart palpitations, chest pain, trouble breathing ( due to chest pain). Worse when lying down. NSAIDs helped. Waited in ER lobby for an hour ( approx hour 6 after onset of symptoms when symptoms began to dissipate). Only intake triage performed at hospital. 10 hours duration
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2021-06-08 |
shortness of breath |
he has developed myocarditis; Chest was hurting; Chest pain; Tachycardia; Hypertension; his temperat...
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he has developed myocarditis; Chest was hurting; Chest pain; Tachycardia; Hypertension; his temperature was 99.7; Tight chest; shortness of breath; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient's mother). A 15-years-old male patient received bnt162b2, dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on 13May2021 16:00 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation at the age of 15 years old. Medical history included Autism and ADHD. Concomitant medication(s) included guanfacine. The patient experienced he has developed myocarditis, inflammation of the muscle in his heart that was caused by covid vaccine, chest was hurting; chest pain, tachycardia, hypertension on an unknown date, shortness of breath, tight chest on 15May2021. Clinical course details was reported as: She thinks he has developed myocarditis. Experienced shortness of breath, went to the Emergency Department. She wishes for him to receive second dose. "They did a bunch of tests". Saturday he had to rush in to the hospital because his chest was hurting, he has chest pain on Saturday that's why he went to the emergency room. The doctor said, he had inflammation of the muscle in his heart that was caused by COVID vaccine, she wants to submit that to Pfizer." Reporter stated, "No, not exactly, he got the COVID vaccine on May 13th. He started developing shortness of breath and tight chest on Saturday night which is May 15th, I woke him up because all night long he was complaining, I take him to the emergency room at the morning like 4:30 am, 4:30 in the morning of May 16th. The doctor told me that, he said that he didn't believe that it was a side effect of a vaccine because it was not, it didn't developed like within 1 or 4 hours to the vaccine like now when I've seen on the news that the inflammation that is happening to some kind on the heart, he matches all the symptoms of that. So I need to know what do I need to make and what do we do for the second dose?" Lab test: They did when he was in the hospital, When he was in the hospital 2 days after they did a bunch of lab test." Treatment: They did give him some medication in the hospital. The notes from the hospital they gave, they says he has tachycardia, hypertension, shortness of breath, chest pain. They gave him Ativan. Caller states she is calling about the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine and states she is thinking her son had the side effect that is being reported of myocarditis and took the 1st dose of the vaccine on 13May2021 and on 15May2021, at night he complained of shortness of breath, and a very heavy chest and moaned all night long; states at 4:00am she and her husband got up and took the patient's blood pressure and oxygen level and pulse and his blood pressure was elevated at 151/108, oxygen levels were ok at 96-97 and his pulse was 128, and his temperature was 99.7 she thinks. States they took him to the emergency room at that time because they did not know if something was going on with his blood pressure elevated. Caller states she has not reported this information to the patient's HCP and is calling to ask if she should wait or have to wait on the patient's 2nd dose of the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine. Caller states she did previously file this report but was not given a report reference number and had to call back to ask for her questions. States the patient's 2nd dose of the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine is scheduled for 04Jun2021. States given that they did not expect the patient to have any side effects and they do not want to be in this situation and are planning on traveling the day the patient is scheduled for his 2nd dose of the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine would they have to wait for his 2nd dose; states she wants to do things the proper way. States given that they did not expect the patient to have any side effects and they do not want to be in this situation and are planning on traveling the day the patient is scheduled for his 2nd dose of the Pfizer COVID19 vaccine would they have to wait for his 2nd dose; states she wants to do things the proper way. Pfizer is aware of the observations of myocarditis that occurred predominantly in a population of young men who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Adverse events are regularly and thoroughly reviewed and we have not observed a higher rate of myocarditis than what would be expected in the general population. A causal link to the vaccine has not been established. There is no evidence at this time to conclude that myocarditis is a risk associated with the use of Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. More than 260 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have been administered globally. Serious adverse events unrelated to, but close in timing to vaccination, are expected to occur at a similar rate in vaccinated individuals as they would in the overall population. [for non-HCPs]: we refer you to your healthcare provider to discuss this topic. Your healthcare provider knows your medical history, can discuss the risks and benefits of the vaccine, and can provide vaccination recommendations to you. Pfizer is aware of the reports of myocarditis in recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. More than 260 million people globally have now been vaccinated with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and we have not observed a higher rate of myocarditis than what would be expected in the general population. A causal link to the vaccine has not been established. Serious adverse events unrelated to but close in timing to vaccination will likely occur at a similar rate in vaccinated individuals as they would in the overall population. With a vast number of people vaccinated to date, the benefit risk profile of our vaccine remains positive. If asked on the specific casesMore specific information on the specific cases or demographics are not currently available to Pfizer Medical Information. The outcome of the events was unknown. No follow attempts are needed; information about lot/batch number cannot be obtained.
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2021-06-08 |
painful respiration |
Previously healthy male presented with chest pain 4 days after his second COVID vaccination. He had ...
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Previously healthy male presented with chest pain 4 days after his second COVID vaccination. He had left chest pain for a few hours yesterday which resolved, then recurred today. Pain was constant and radiated to armpit, worse with deep breaths. CRP mildly up at 8.5. Troponin elevated at 465, CK up at 520, and AST mildly up at 62. Repeat troponin 1.5 hours later was 511. Patient did have fever for one day after his second COVID vaccine, and has otherwise been afebrile.
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2021-06-09 |
shortness of breath, mild apnea |
My teenaged son experienced chest pain and shortness of breath following his second Pfizer COVID sho...
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My teenaged son experienced chest pain and shortness of breath following his second Pfizer COVID shot. He felt he could not get a deep breathe for multiple days.
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2021-06-09 |
shortness of breath |
Adolescent son (recently turned 15 years old): 6/7 - casually mentioned that it was a little difficu...
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Adolescent son (recently turned 15 years old): 6/7 - casually mentioned that it was a little difficult to breathe before going to bed about 10:00 pm 6/8 - still experiencing some breathing difficulty and mild headache during the morning/afternoon but by evening complaining of severe headache, chest pain and shortness of breath; began an Acetaminophen + Ibuprofen regimen starting about 10:00 pm in the evening 6/9 - woke up with mild chest pain, but no headache, which subsided by early afternoon; seemed to be ok by late afternoon/early evening; last dose of Ibruprofen was about 6:00 am that morning
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2021-06-09 |
shortness of breath |
He had the 2nd Pfizer covid vaccine on Thursday late afternoon. By Friday evening, he was complainin...
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He had the 2nd Pfizer covid vaccine on Thursday late afternoon. By Friday evening, he was complaining of chest pain and shortness of breath. He was also running a fever. Called the advice line for his dr and were told to monitor him. Saturday early morning, took him to urgent care due to no improvement. They did an x-ray and other tests to rule out myocarditis. His symptoms eventually resolved on Monday.
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2021-06-09 |
painful respiration |
Pt is a 15-year-old man with history of obesity, insulin resistance, mixed dyslipidemia, vitamin D d...
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Pt is a 15-year-old man with history of obesity, insulin resistance, mixed dyslipidemia, vitamin D deficiency, elevated hemoglobin A1c, anxiety disorder, and ADHD. He presented today to the ER with history of chest pain in the past 3 days. This chest pain is intermittent, sharp in nature, mainly in the retrosternal area, precipitated by deep breath, partially relieved by Tylenol, ibuprofen, or laying down. He denied any history of trauma, or recent viral illnesses. The severity of this chest pain ranging between 4?5/10 with no radiation. He had temperature of 38 °C on Saturday after the second dose of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (on Thursday, 6/3/2021). He said that he had a loose bowel movement, intermittent cough, and headache. He denied any nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, skin rashes, change in urine, muscle pain, or joint pain. At the ER, he was in stable condition, afebrile, with stable vital signs. He received 1 dose of Motrin 600 mg for the chest pain. ER dr. was consulted and he recommended admission to the CICU for further investigation and management. 6/9/21 - Troponin levels downtrending (last 1.30). ID consulted and recommended obtaining adenovirus PCR, enterovirus PCR, GI panel, Mycoplasma IgM, COVID IgG, COVID NP, and COVID spike protein. Will follow as an outpatient. CXR normal. EKG with sinus bradycardia, while calm. Echocardiogram results normal. RPP and COVID negative. Behavioral medicine followed. Discharged on 6/9/21. Hospital course CV Troponin level on admission was 2.7 and have been closely monitored. Last level obtained on 06/08 was 1.3. ECG 06/08 - sinus bradycardia. Echocardiogram 06/08 - essentially normal with trivial to mild tricuspid regurgitation and mitral regurgitation and trivial aortic regurgitation. Chest pain has now resolved and patient has good hemodynamics with good pulses, good blood pressures, and cap refill less than 2 secs. He will follow with Dr. in 1 week. No rigorous exercise for one week.
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2021-06-11 |
shortness of breath |
Chest pain and shortness of breath 2 days after 2nd vaccine. Presented to ED and found to have ele...
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Chest pain and shortness of breath 2 days after 2nd vaccine. Presented to ED and found to have elevated troponin.
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2021-06-11 |
mild apnea, respiratory rate increased |
Client received the COVID vaccine (Pfizer dose 1, lot # ER8736, expiration date 7/5/2021) at 1725 fr...
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Client received the COVID vaccine (Pfizer dose 1, lot # ER8736, expiration date 7/5/2021) at 1725 from RN. RN escorted the client to a chair in observation area at 1730. Per RN, the client's gait became unsteady as he ambulated and the client became unresponsive as he sat in his chair. The client was observed to slump forward, and he was caught by RN and his mother. EMT and RN responded at that time. The client remained unresponsive for approximately 90 seconds. While he was unresponsive, the client's breathing was rapid and shallow, and his pulse was thready. At 1732, the client became responsive and was drowsy but oriented x4. The client was transferred to the zero gravity chair at this time by RN and RPh. The client's vital signs at that time were: blood pressure 76/40, heart rate 64, respiratory rate 24, and O2 91%. The client appeared pale and diaphoretic. The client reported dizziness and blurry vision which had both progressed to "blacked out vision" before he went unresponsive. The client reported still feeling dizzy and having blurry vision. The client denied shortness of breath, chest pain, or headache. At 1737, the client's vital signs were as follows: blood pressure 102/52, heart rate 61, O2 98%. The client's pupils were equal and reactive to light. At 1738, the client was offered water, juice, and a snack, which he started to eat and drink. Per the client's mother, the client hadn't eaten prior to his appointment but was given water and a snack while in line for his vaccine. The client's mother stated that the client has no medical conditions or allergies and that he takes no medications. The client's mother stated he does not have a history of syncope. At 1740, the client's vital signs were as follows: blood pressure 96/48, heart rate 82. The client complained of feeling hot and he was provided with a cool pack. The client's color had returned to normal at this time and his pulse was normal as well. At 1745, the client's vital signs were as follows: blood pressure 96/48, O2 99%, heart rate 65. At 1750, the client stated that his dizziness and blurry vision had resolved. He was no longer diaphoretic. At 1755, the client's pulse was 74, his blood pressure was 102/52, and his O2 was 99%. Education was provided to the client and his mother by RN regarding primary care follow up and EMS activation. At 1800, the client's vital signs were as follows: heart rate 68, O2 98%, and blood pressure 106/58. The client was able to stand up without dizziness and ambulated out to the car escorted by his mother and EMT, ambulating with a steady gait.
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2021-06-12 |
shortness of breath, pleuritic chest pain |
4 days after administration of Pfizer COVID19 vaccination patient developed shortness of breath and ...
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4 days after administration of Pfizer COVID19 vaccination patient developed shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain on 6/12/21 evening. Patient came to Emergency Room overnight on 6/13 and was identified to have elevated troponins indicative of myocarditis.
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2021-06-13 |
shortness of breath |
healthy kid with no health issues or ever illnesses. woke up in middle of night day after 2nd v...
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healthy kid with no health issues or ever illnesses. woke up in middle of night day after 2nd vaccination with sever chest pain. he had shortness of breathe. checked blood pressure and pulse, and both were very high. gasped for air often kept him upright all night. As of 6/14 he is still slightly gasping for deep breathes and it is hard for him to concentrate. has pressure in chest. seeking pediatric cardiologist.
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2021-06-13 |
shortness of breath |
Got second dose of vaccine 6/2. Same day had chills, myalgia, fatigue and soreness at injection sit...
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Got second dose of vaccine 6/2. Same day had chills, myalgia, fatigue and soreness at injection site. 6/3 developed substernal chest pain and dyspnea. Admitted to hospital for suspected myocarditis given elevated troponin and mildly elevated inflammatory markers 6/4. No treatments given. Symptoms resolved and troponins improved prior to discharge 6/8. He remains well today 6/14.
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2021-06-13 |
respiratory rate increased, shortness of breath |
Fifteen hours after the vaccine my son woke up and his respiratory rate was high. It was over 140. I...
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Fifteen hours after the vaccine my son woke up and his respiratory rate was high. It was over 140. I woke him up and he had chills and diarrhea. Because of his Cortisol Deficiency I called his doctor. I was advised to give him 30mg Hydrocortisone and lots of water. His Respiratory and heart rate were high. He was feeling a little short of breath and he had heart palpitations. We went to the ER and they did lots of testing. He had a fever and Sepsis testing. All results were normal and they gave him a Liter of fluids. He was discharged after two hours and his pulse was still high at 105-110. We monitored him and his heart rate was slowing and he started to feel better. His Endocrinologist had him take a double dose of Hydrocortisone the next day. His improvement progressed and by the fourth day the symptoms were gone. He was able to do his normal activities but tired and worn out from the ordeal. One week later he had a slightly elevated heart rate but it resolved quickly. He had had a local reaction in his arm with swelling and a rash after the first vaccine.
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2021-06-14 |
shortness of breath |
16 yo male with h/o CML in remission without known cardiac dysfunction (no history of cardiotoxic ch...
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16 yo male with h/o CML in remission without known cardiac dysfunction (no history of cardiotoxic chemotherapy) who had his second Pfizer COVID vaccine on 6/12 afternoon and then presented to the ER with fever, headache, and hypotension requiring multiple fluid boluses and admission. No complaint of chest pain on admission, but does complain of 6/10 chest pressure in the left chest 6/14, leaning forward, with mild difficulty breathing. No palpitations, skipped beats, racing beats, dizziness or syncope. Troponin was checked 6/14 at 1020 which was elevated to 0.35. Repeat one at 1600 peaked at 1.35. Then 6/15 at 0350 it came down to 0.5. Antibiotics stopped after one dose 6/13, he received acetaminophen and ibuprofen for symptomatic management.
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2021-06-14 |
pleuritic chest pain |
Patient received the vaccine on 6/11/2021. On 6/12/2021 he developed pleuritic chest pain. The pain ...
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Patient received the vaccine on 6/11/2021. On 6/12/2021 he developed pleuritic chest pain. The pain worsened and he presented to the ED on 6/14/2021. He was found to have myocarditis and quickly improved--chest pain resolved on 6/15. Treated with a 5 day course of prednisone. Improvement started before treatment with prednisone.
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2021-06-14 |
wheezing, shortness of breath |
Breathing difficulties.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
On 6/8, he developed fever and chills. On 6/9, he developed shortness of breath, dizziness, increase...
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On 6/8, he developed fever and chills. On 6/9, he developed shortness of breath, dizziness, increased HR while playing golf. Rested and symptoms improved. Resting HR at the time of my call with him was in the 80s, but he reported low 100s when he was playing golf. Symptoms resolved with rest and hydration only. He did not need to go to the ER or be hospitalized.
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2021-06-15 |
shortness of breath |
Patient is a healthy 15 year old male presenting with chest pain in the setting of recent SARS-CoV2 ...
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Patient is a healthy 15 year old male presenting with chest pain in the setting of recent SARS-CoV2 vaccination. He was in his usual state of health until he received the second dose of the Pfizer/BNT SARS-CoV2 vaccination on Thursday 6/10. Shortly after and into the following day, he developed fatigue, chills, and a headache, which resolved within 24 hours. However, early this morning at around 2am, he awoke with sharp central chest pain associated with some shortness of breath, radiating to his left, prompting him to present to the ED. Initially presented to Hospital ED. Vitals stable. Labs notable for troponin 0.07 and d-dimer 1.48. EKG with sinus rhythm, ST elevation in inferior leads. Given ibuprofen 600mg and contacted Cardiology, who recommended transfer to another ED for echocardiogram and further evaluation. Here in the ED, vital stable, exam non-focal. Labs notable for troponin 0.13 and CRP 3.0; CBC, chem 10, LFTs, BNP, all within normal limits. CXR normal. Echo done which showed normal function (prelim read). Seen by ID who recommended standard workup for vaccine-induced myocarditis. He was admitted to the floor in stable condition. Hospital Course: Due to rising troponin during hospital day 1 (peak 0.23), patient was treated with IVIG 2 g/kg (6/14) and methylprednisone 30 mg BID (6/14 - 6/15). On 6/15 a cardiac MRI was obtained that showed a small area of late gadolinium enhancement of the LV with normal function. Troponin was trended every 12 hours and had decreased to 0.11 on 6/15 AM. He was transitioned to oral prednisone 30 mg BID to complete a total steroid course of 5 days (6/14 - 6/18). During admission he was found to be EBV PCR positive with all other viral testing including EBV serologies pending. It is still thought this is likely due to post-vaccine inflammation and not viral myocarditis but serologies should be followed up as outpatient. By time of discharge, patient was well-appearing, vitals stable, demonstrating good PO intake. Prescriptions sent to preferred pharmacy. Follow up with cardiology. Discharge instructions and return precautions reviewed with patient and parent, who expressed good understanding and agreement with plan. Reasons for new, changed, and discontinued medications: Prednisone for myocarditis Famotidine for stomach protection while on prednisone Discharged home with follow up tests scheduled for 6/17/21.
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2021-06-15 |
fluid in lungs |
6/7 - patient received 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine. 6/8 - patient developed tactile fevers (for 2-3...
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6/7 - patient received 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine. 6/8 - patient developed tactile fevers (for 2-3 days), diarrhea (4-5 days of non-bloody diarrhea) 6/9 - developed chest pain and tightness and mild cough 6/12 - few episodes of NBNB emesis, cough with blood tinged sputum 6/13 - presented to urgent care, referred to hospital and admitted to floor. Patient found to have tachycardia and hypertension. CXR with pleural effusion, renal US with medical renal disease. Worsening renal function and concern for hyper coagulable state with worsening D-Dimer and possible pulmonary embolus but unable to obtain contrast images due to renal failure. 6/15 - transferred to ICU for heparin drip for worsening D-dimer. Nephrology, rheumatology and infectious disease consulted. Continued chest pain, cough with hemoptysis. Remains afebrile and otherwise hemodynamically stable. Started on ceftriaxone empirically. Concern for MIS-C, vaccine related adverse event vs autoimmune vasculitis.
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2021-06-16 |
shortness of breath |
The night of vaccine, started to have nausea, lightheadedness, muscle aches. Progressed to neck pain...
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The night of vaccine, started to have nausea, lightheadedness, muscle aches. Progressed to neck pain and headache, and later to shortness of breath , chest tightness, and diaphoresis.
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2021-06-16 |
throat swelling |
throat swelling; numbness in knees and feet; numbness in knees and feet; This is a spontaneous repor...
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throat swelling; numbness in knees and feet; numbness in knees and feet; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient mother). A 15-years-old male patient received bnt162b2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) at 15-years-old, dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on 15May2021 11:38 (Batch/Lot Number: EW0173) as 1ST DOSE, SINGLE DOSE for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included asthma. Vaccination Facility Type: Pharmacy. No history of previous immunization with the Pfizer vaccine considered as suspect. No additional Vaccines Administered on Same Date of the Pfizer Suspect. Additional Information for Other Conditions: consumer stated that patient had probably mostly grown out of it. Patient was diagnosed whenever he was three years old. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. The patient received first dose of vaccine and experienced throat swelling (his throat closed up a little bit), numbness in knees and feet about 12 minutes after vaccine on 15May2021 11:50 with outcome of recovered in 15May2021. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of throat swelling, it recovered completely after patient took Benadryl. No investigation assessment. The events did not require a visit to: Emergency Room or Physician Office. They gave patient Benadryl there, and told reporter if patient has anymore issues to take him to the emergency room. No prior Vaccinations within 4 weeks. the consumer wanted to see if patient should get the second dose of the covid vaccine, was also going to check with patient's doctor.
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2021-06-17 |
shortness of breath |
COVID Vaccine #1 event, patient arrived to receive first dose of Pfizer vaccine. The patient has no...
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COVID Vaccine #1 event, patient arrived to receive first dose of Pfizer vaccine. The patient has no allergies or medical history. Vaccine was administered at 1353. Patient was discharged at 1409 without any adverse events. Patient ambulated with mom to exit from the event. At 1515, I was informed the someone was having shortness of breath and chest pain. When I arrived with the vital machine the patient was sitting in a chair, skin color was normal but he had facial diaphoresis. Patients mom had brought patient back to mobile event. BP 146/90 HR101 RR 20 Oxygen saturation 98% on roomair. Patient complains of shortness of breath and constant chest pressure. Patient hair removed from face, ice pack applied to neck, patient mask removed so air intake was not restricted patients feet elevated on a chair. NP present assessing patient with MA interpreting in Spanish. NP verbalized to continue monitoring vitals every 15 minutes. At 1530, vitals BP 145/91 HR96 RR18 O2 Sat 96%RA. There were no changes in the patients complaints. NP reassesses patient recommends patient may need further evaluation. At 1543, vital remained stable BP 131/79 HR 103 RR18 O2 sat 96%RA. At 1547, EMT arrived. Patient ambulated to gurney and was transported to Hospital per patient mom request.
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2021-06-17 |
shortness of breath |
COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms cough same; fever same (100-101); shortness of breath same (at night); h...
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COVID-19 Signs and Symptoms cough same; fever same (100-101); shortness of breath same (at night); headache same; sore throat same Contacts and Exposure No known exposure. Pt received 2nd COVID vaccine on Friday 6/11/21 Quality: dry cough Severity: moderate Duration: symptoms lasting 4 days Onset/Timing: date of symptoms onset: (Sunday 6/13/2021) Context: No history of asthma or pneumonia Associated Symptoms: no wheezing; no vomiting; no diarrhea; fatigue; runny nose ROS Patient reports loss of appetite, fever (101 here today), and diminished activity. He reports congestion and sore throat but reports no ear pain. He reports cough and difficulty breathing but reports no wheezing. He reports headache but reports no dizziness. He reports no nausea, no vomiting, and no diarrhea. He reports no sneezing and no runny nose. Fever with cough, mild SOB, fatigue and pharyngitis, likely viral illness. Ibuprofen 400 mg given here now. Negative COVID test here today, will send for chest x-ray, lab work CBC (H/H, RBC, indices, WBC, plt) C-reactive protein comprehensive metabolic panel lyme disease Ab w/refl to blot (IgG, IgM), troponin I, sed rate by modified westergren. EKG done, Continue to monitor for increased WOB or any worsening of symptoms. Consult with Cardiology, Echo recommended and pt. scheduled for one.
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2021-06-17 |
shortness of breath |
Chest Pain, shortness of breath. Myopericarditis. Transfer to hospital
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2021-06-17 |
throat swelling, shortness of breath |
broke out into hives; throat began to swell; breathing became difficult; anaphylaxis; patient age: 1...
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broke out into hives; throat began to swell; breathing became difficult; anaphylaxis; patient age: 15; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (patient). A 15-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EW0217), dose 2 via an unspecified route of administration, administered in left arm on 03Jun2021 14:30 (at 15-year-old) as 2nd dose, single dose for COVID-19 immunization. Medical history included low growth hormone production, and known allergies: many foods. Concomitant medications included somatropin (NORDITROPIN); anastrozole (ANASTRAZOLE DENK); olopatadine; levocetirizine dihydrochloride (XYZAL); diclofenac sodium, heparin sodium (ALLE). The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. The patient previously received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EW0173), via an unspecified route of administration, administered in left arm on 13May2021 17:30 (at 15-year-old) as 1st dose, single dose for COVID-19 immunization. On 03Jun2021 at 17:30, the patient experienced 3-4 hours after dose, broke out into hives. He took benadryl. Throat began to swell and breathing became difficult. He used epi-pen to stop anaphylaxis. The seriousness criteria of the events was reported as life threatening. The events resulted in doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. The outcome of the events hives, throat began to swell, breathing became difficult, anaphylaxis was recovering. Since the vaccination, the patient had not been tested for COVID-19.
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2021-06-17 |
throat swelling |
Patient c/o throat swelling and itching after getting covid vaccine; received epi and benadryl
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2021-06-17 |
fluid in lungs |
soreness, fatigue, malaise, myalgias, and nausea- followed by chest pain
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2021-06-17 |
pleuritic chest pain, shortness of breath |
Pt presented with pleuritic chest pain, and shortness of breath.
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2021-06-18 |
shortness of breath |
Body aches, fever, headache and fatigue throughout the day on May 16. Fever at 103 degrees at 4pm In...
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Body aches, fever, headache and fatigue throughout the day on May 16. Fever at 103 degrees at 4pm Intense chest pain and shortness of breath 10:00pm May 16-2:30am May 17 - administered 500 mg Tylenol at 7pm and 1am Visited pediatrician on May 17. Vitals normal other than a fever. Intense chest pain 8:00pm-10:00pm May 17. Fever at 101.5 - administered 500 mg Tylenol at 8:45pm Work up morning of May 18 at 5:30am with intense chest pain - administered 500mg Tylenol at 6:10am
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2021-06-18 |
shortness of breath |
Labored breathing; chest pains; fast heart rate; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable con...
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Labored breathing; chest pains; fast heart rate; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer reported for himself. A 16-years-old male patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Right on 13May2021 11:30 AM as unknown, single (at age of 15-years-old) for covid-19 immunisation. The patient did not receive any other vaccines within 4 weeks prior to the COVID vaccine. No other medications the patient received within 2 weeks of vaccination. Medical history included choanal atresia, tonsils and adenoids removed, ear tags. Prior to vaccination, the patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19. Concomitant medications were none. On 04Jun2021 09:00, the patient experienced labored breathing, chest pains, fast heart rate. The adverse events resulted in emergency room/department or urgent care, hospitalization for 2 days. The adverse events received treatment included Aspirin, Ibuprofen. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included Nasal Swab: negative on 05Jun2021. Outcome of the event was not recovered. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
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2021-06-18 |
pleuritic chest pain |
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2021-06-21 |
shortness of breath |
Patient is a 15 y.o. male presenting for 5 days of symptoms following his second dose of Pfizer SARS...
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Patient is a 15 y.o. male presenting for 5 days of symptoms following his second dose of Pfizer SARS CoV 2 vaccine culminating in an urticarial rash which prompted him to present to emergency department. Patient received the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine on June 8 (first dose was administered on may 17 without symptoms). The next day (June 9) he complained of nausea and subjective fever. On June 10 he complained of chest "weakness" and shortness of breath intermittently. He had also mild light headedness but no syncope or palpitations. All those symptoms resolved by June 11. However, he had a diffuse rash on extremities, pruritic, and non-exudative.
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2021-06-21 |
pleuritic chest pain, shortness of breath |
15 yo male with history of asthma who presented to the ED on 6/5 with pleuritic chest pain and short...
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15 yo male with history of asthma who presented to the ED on 6/5 with pleuritic chest pain and shortness of breath and admitted for further evaluation and management for suspected COVID vaccine associated myocarditis. Elevated troponin levels peaked 9.12 on 06/06/21, but on discharge decreased to 0.51. Pleuritic pain was also improved on 6/8. Echo demonstrated mild tricuspid valve insufficiency and trivial pulmonary valve insufficiency, but otherwise normal function. EKG on 06/06 with nonspecific T-wave abnormality, likely related to myocarditis. Follow EKG was stabel from 6/6. Cardiac MRI was read preliminarily and had evidence of edema, but good LV function and an LVEF of 61%.
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2021-06-22 |
shortness of breath |
Patient felt like he was having an asthma attack on the night of the 21st when playing outside with ...
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Patient felt like he was having an asthma attack on the night of the 21st when playing outside with friends (running and climbing). He has never had asthma, but said his chest was tight and it was hard to breathe. He said when he stopped and sat for a while it seemed to get better. He went to sleep at about 2am and woke me up at 5:20am crying. His chest hurt really bad and the pain was traveling down his arm. When we took his blood pressure at home it was 205/125 and his heart rate was 112. We went to the emergency room at hospital immediately. Once there they did an EKG. The doctor said there was not reason to be alarmed, but the EKG showed signs of possible pericarditis. They then took blood work, a urine sample, an xray and did an echocardiogram. The doctor told us that the blood work did not show any signs of an actual heart attack or any damage done to the heart. She said the echocardiogram showed some fluid build up in the pericardia sac surrounding his heart. She said this is considered pericardia. She mentioned that some young men are having this happen after being vaccinated. She said we seem to have caught it early. They gave him Tordal through his IV when we were there and that took his pain away. We were told to follow up with a cardiologist within 24-48 hours. We have an appointment at Hospital tomorrow at 10:45am.
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2021-06-22 |
wheezing |
Patient, a 15-year-old white, non-Hispanic male received his first Pfizer vaccine on 6/23/21 at 3:10...
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Patient, a 15-year-old white, non-Hispanic male received his first Pfizer vaccine on 6/23/21 at 3:10pm. After 13 minutes post-vaccination, patient passed out. Had a bit of wheezing, pale, cold, and clammy skin. Was conscious when pharmacist went out at 3:30pm. Called 911 for paramedics. Have patient drink cold water in the mean time and have legs elevated to help with blood flow. When paramedics came, vital signs were checked. O2 saturation is 98%, blood pressure is 96/60, and pulse is 88 bpm. Patient feels much better after 30-45 minutes, and was able to leave the store with mom without going to emergency room.
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2021-06-23 |
shortness of breath |
Dyspnea Myocarditis, transferred to hospital for further management
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2021-06-24 |
asthma |
Bloody noses/ Nose bleeds; Runny nose; headache; Little bit of Asthma; Her grandson is nervous about...
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Bloody noses/ Nose bleeds; Runny nose; headache; Little bit of Asthma; Her grandson is nervous about this; Pretty upset; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer or other non hcp (the patient's grandmother). A 15-year-old male patient received BNT162B2 (Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine, Formulation: solution for injection, Batch/Lot Number unspecified, expiration date unspecified), via an unspecified route of administration on 13Jun2021 as single dose for covid-19 immunization. The patient previously received BNT162B2 (Pfizer-Biontech Covid-19 Vaccine, Formulation: solution for injection, Batch/Lot Number unspecified, expiration date unspecified), via an unspecified route of administration on an unknown date in May2021 as single dose for covid-19 immunization. The patient medical history was not reported. There were no concomitant medications. On 14Jun202, the patient had a headache and a runny nose and then the following day the patient had 4 bloody noses during the day and one at night. The patient is continuing to have bloody noses. On an unknown date in Jun2021, the reporter also stated that the patient might have a little bit of asthma. The reporter mentioned that the patient was pretty upset, nervous and he had the nose bleeds they are a lot, not just a little drip. The patient was treated with Advil for headache. The outcome of the events nose bleeds was reported as not recovered; runny nose was reported as recovering while other events were reported as unknown at the time of report. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
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2021-06-24 |
painful respiration |
Developed chest pain on 6/23 x 1 day, worse lying down/breathing in, relieved by being upright. Epis...
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Developed chest pain on 6/23 x 1 day, worse lying down/breathing in, relieved by being upright. Episodic in nature. no interventions done. Seen in primary care clinic on 6/24 - ECG should findings c/w pericarditis, so referred to cardiology for evaluation. Normal ECHO without pericardial effusion, good function. Labs notable for HS troponin of 3378 pg/mL. CRP and ESR mildly eleated (17.8 and 20 respectively). BNP normal. CBC w differential all WNL for age. COVID IgG negative. Started on ibuprofen TID with close clinical follow-up planned. no associated fever/chills/URI sx/GI sx/rash.
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2021-06-25 |
shortness of breath |
6/24/2021 developed tactile fever, substernal chest pain, and shortness of breath 6/25/2021 increase...
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6/24/2021 developed tactile fever, substernal chest pain, and shortness of breath 6/25/2021 increased shortness of breath, chest pain
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2021-06-26 |
shortness of breath |
At 1 am, my son presented with headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, shaking, ringing in ears, short...
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At 1 am, my son presented with headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, shaking, ringing in ears, shortness of breath, and pallor. Vasovagal symptoms and near syncopal episode. Was able to get him to the floor to avoid a fall. Vomited several times. Severe vasovagal symptoms began to resolve within one hour. Didn?t check heart rate during initial near syncopal episode but was tachycardic after initial stabilization. Headache and fatigue persisted and is still lingering today.
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2021-06-27 |
shortness of breath |
15 year old male here with grandmother due to concerns regarding chest pain and shortness of breath....
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15 year old male here with grandmother due to concerns regarding chest pain and shortness of breath. Received the 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine 4 days ago. That evening had body aches, chills, fever and shortness of breath. The other symptoms resolved the next day, but continues with shortness of breath, worsening over time. This morning, associated with some mid sternal chest pain. Was able to rake grass outside yesterday, but reports made SOB worse. History of asthma, reports symptoms not typical of usual exacerbation, has trialed Albuterol without relief. Denies dizziness, palpitations. 15 year old male with post vaccine associated myocarditis. Troponin I 0.426 ng/mL (<0.300) H* 06/28/2021 01:24
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2021-06-29 |
shortness of breath |
onset of malaise and sudden Shortness of breath
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2021-07-04 |
wheezing, shortness of breath |
7/4/2021: 15 year old male with autism and ADHD that presents to PICU from another hospital status p...
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7/4/2021: 15 year old male with autism and ADHD that presents to PICU from another hospital status post cardiac arrest times two. Mom states that patient has been having coughing for the past 2 weeks. Went to PMD on 6/25 who noticed wheezing on his exam. Ordered a CXR for 6/29. The next day, told mother of the results which showed pneumonia, "fluid in lungs." Started on albuterol q4, cefdinir, and OTC cough medicine with no improvement of symptoms. Began having decreased appetite, urine output. Had a couple episodes of post tussive emesis with blood tinged secretions. Abdominal pain started the day before admission. Patient continued having increased coughing and shortness of breath. On day of admission, patient was walking up the stairs to take a shower. He then fell and hit his head on the wall. Denies LOC at that time. Stated that he could not breath. Patient brought to ER. Patient went into cardiac arrest at 1840 until 1910. CPR was done, given epinephrine, and intubated. Then went into cardiac rest again. Placed on Vent, TV 450, PEEP 6, Rate 15, Peak pressure high 30s. Given ceftriaxone, vancomycin, toradol, 40mg lasix, 4mg zofran and 2L NS bolus. CBC, CMP, blood gas, troponin, pro BNP, RVP/COVID ordered. Started on versed (6.5), epinephrine (20) and norepinephrine (10) drips. Was then flown by helicopter to our PICU. Of note, patient had second dose of Pfizer vaccine on 6/19. Mom believes symptoms started just before his vaccine dose.
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2021-07-05 |
shortness of breath |
Also received 1st dose COVID19 (Pfizer) at same place. Administered on 6/12/21. Lot number of firs...
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Also received 1st dose COVID19 (Pfizer) at same place. Administered on 6/12/21. Lot number of first vaccine EW0182. Patient developed acute chest pain on evening of 7/5. Had some shortness of breath and vomiting. Brought to ER. Troponin was found to be elevated at 3238.9 (normal range 0-54). COVID-19 PCR and respiratory viral panels were negative. Admitted to ICU for observation. In morning, feeling much better. Troponin down trending. Echo was normal.
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2021-07-08 |
shortness of breath |
Condition most likely being pericarditis. Matching symptoms include: Chest pain Back pain shortness ...
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Condition most likely being pericarditis. Matching symptoms include: Chest pain Back pain shortness of breath symptoms worsen when lying down symptoms worsen when taking deep breaths No treatment as of yet
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2021-07-10 |
shortness of breath |
. Patient developed fever, malaise and loss of appetite. Within a couple of hours of receiving his...
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. Patient developed fever, malaise and loss of appetite. Within a couple of hours of receiving his second dose. On 07/11/2021 patient woke with severe chest pain and shortness of breath. Presented to the emergency room. Found to have sinus tachycardia with nonspecific ST and T-wave changes on EKG, normal troponin, but elevated d-dimer and CRP. CBC within expected limits. Chemistries basically normal. CT scan of the chest with PE study negative for PE
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2021-07-11 |
shortness of breath |
Patient admitted fur to chest pain and dyspnea and found to have myopericarditis after 2nd dose of C...
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Patient admitted fur to chest pain and dyspnea and found to have myopericarditis after 2nd dose of COVID-19 Pzifer vaccine. Vaccine was administered at pharmacy. First dose received on 5/15/2021, second dose on 6/5/2021. Fatigue and chills started a few hours after second dose and then developed shortness of breath, nausea, emesis and 8/10 midsternal chest pain. Presented to an urgent care facility where CXR and EKG were obtained. EKG showed early repolarizations. Labs were obtained at a local ED and showed elevated troponins, initially 11k and then to 20k and peaked there. BNP was within normal limits. Subsequent EKG showed diffuse ST-segment elevations concerning for acute pericarditis. No prior infections or symptoms like this previously. He was given colchicine at outside facility prior to transfer. At hospital he was continued on ibuprofen and monitored with telemetry and had ECHO and cardiac MRI. Latter was consistent with myopericarditis. ECHO showed normal function. He received PPI while on NSAIDs. His symptoms resolved and he was discharged to home on 6/10/2021 with activity restrictions and plan to follow-up with peds cardiology. Of note, there was an error submitting the initial VAERS report for this patient during the admission, therefore, this delayed report is being submitted.
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2021-07-13 |
shortness of breath |
Youth developed sensation of shortness of breath and chest pain. He was admitted to a local hospital...
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Youth developed sensation of shortness of breath and chest pain. He was admitted to a local hospital for observation overnight and diagnosed with musculo-skeletal pain post vaccination. No other diagnoses or abnormal findings.
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2021-07-14 |
shortness of breath |
Woke up with acute onset of chest pain, shortness of breath. Evaluated in local ER. Tried his albut...
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Woke up with acute onset of chest pain, shortness of breath. Evaluated in local ER. Tried his albuterol inhaler without improvement so was taken to a local ER. After cleared of a pulmonary embolus he was discharged with improved symptoms.
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2021-07-15 |
shortness of breath |
Difficulty breathing. Evaluated by EMS-Cleared
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2021-07-18 |
shortness of breath |
Pt was discharged stable after covid-19 vaccine. Pt went home and came back complaining of Rt arm r...
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Pt was discharged stable after covid-19 vaccine. Pt went home and came back complaining of Rt arm rash and SOB: Dr and RN for triage the patient.
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2021-07-19 |
shortness of breath |
chest pain, shortness of breath
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2021-07-19 |
pleuritic chest pain, respiratory distress, swelling in lungs |
Patient had flu like symptoms that developed the evening of vaccination including fever, headache, m...
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Patient had flu like symptoms that developed the evening of vaccination including fever, headache, myalgias, nausea and vomiting. He had a syncopal episode on 7/18 (2 days after vaccination) and family found him on the ground. Following this episode he complained of substernal pleuritic chest pain. Initial EKG demonstrated diffuse ST changes. He became hypotensive and developed respiratory distress with evidence of pulmonary edema on CXR. He was admitted to the PICU on 35L HFNC and received an epinephrine drip for blood pressure control. Respiratory status improved.
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2021-07-20 |
exercise-induced asthma |
Patient presented 3 weeks after the vaccine with worsening dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, cough tha...
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Patient presented 3 weeks after the vaccine with worsening dyspnea on exertion, orthopnea, cough that began 2 days after vaccine administration. Two days prior to presentation to Harbor ER on 7/1/2021 he had nausea and vomiting with a fever 101F on day of presentation. He was found to be in congestive heart failure with severely diminished biventricular function. While inpatient he had worsening respiratory status requiring CPAP and O2 though he improved with initiation of diuresis. His inflammatory markers were not elevated and he had negative troponins. cMRI revealed an LVEF 13% with no signs of active myocarditis. Viral studies were negative and there was no evidence of bacterial infection. Prior to this, he was in his USOH with no limitations. He was seen in cardiology clinic 5/2021 and was stable at that time. He required initiation of diuretics and oral heart failure management and was discharged with close follow-up.
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2021-07-20 |
painful respiration, shortness of breath, fluid in lungs |
6/26/21--;pca; 7/8/21 mild, mildly pruritic , non-painful, bilateral conjunctival injection (left m...
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6/26/21--;pca; 7/8/21 mild, mildly pruritic , non-painful, bilateral conjunctival injection (left more than right) without ocular discharge--attributed to seasonal allergic conjunctivitis butstill persists at present time. 7/13/21 woke up with severe (8-9/10) sub sternal and left sided chest pain/pressure sensation, whih radiated to his back with associated difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, worsening of pain with deep inspiration and sling supine, and palpitations. Bilateral calf pain and tenderness fo left foot. Symptoms persisted. To ED at Hosptial but left without being seen due to long lines then came to our ED for evaluation. Of note received 1st dose humira without apparent side effects
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2021-07-24 |
fluid in lungs, acute respiratory failure |
Received 1st dose of Pfizer Covid Vaccine and started becoming increasingly manic within about an ho...
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Received 1st dose of Pfizer Covid Vaccine and started becoming increasingly manic within about an hour. Complained of stomach discomfort. Became increasingly anxious and manic and was only able to sleep for two hours (received at 4pm, slept from 12am to 2am). Awake and manic the day following. Complained of stomach pain. Eating normally with no other symptoms. Started complaining of being cold and chills. Applied rotating heated blankets until he feel asleep about 10pm. Woke up at 2am. Manic and anxious. Stomach started swelling more and becoming rigid. Gave him Miralax. No change in swelling. Increased stomach pain. Gave him a suppository. Immediate small bowel movement. After two more hours and no change in swelling, gave a second suppository. Immediate small bowel movement. Stomach becoming distended and complaining of increased pain. Took him to the ER. Pain amplified on the way. Admitted to PICU after EKG in ER. Quickly declined and went into respiratory failure. Right lung had no air exchange and left lung collapsed. Myocarditis, pleural effusion, kidney damage and new onset Type I diabetes. Unexplained pneumonia. No growth from fluid in lung.
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2021-07-24 |
throat tightness |
Site: Itching at Injection Site-Medium, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-...
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Site: Itching at Injection Site-Medium, Systemic: Allergic: Difficulty Swallowing, Throat Tightness-Medium, Systemic: Allergic: Itch (specify: facial area, extremeties)-Medium, Systemic: Allergic: Rash (specify: facial area, extremeties)-Mild, Systemic: Dizziness / Lightheadness-Medium, Systemic: Shakiness-Medium, Systemic: Tingling (specify: facial area, extemities)-Medium, Additional Details: Pt exhibited rash on both arms, that he noticed after 15 min wait, observed pt, rash itch worsened, 50 mg benadryl chewed, within minutes pt complained of facial and mouth numbness/tingling, then a couple minutes later difficulty swallowing. 911 called, 1 dose epipen administered in right thigh. mother did not wait on 911, took son to ER. mother Chambree called to say pt was fine.
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2021-07-25 |
pleuritic chest pain |
Patient is a 15 year old M with hypofibrinogenemia, platelet aggregation disorder and history of COV...
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Patient is a 15 year old M with hypofibrinogenemia, platelet aggregation disorder and history of COVID admitted to Inpatient Ward from 26 June - 01 July for work-up and management of new onset and severe headache, photophobia, and pain with extraocular movement. Extensive work-up complete but still unclear etiology, though near complete resolution of symptoms with IV steroids. Neuro: CSF positive for HHV-6, still unclear if this fully explains presentation. CT and brain MRI negative, though limited exam due to braces artifact. Headache complicated by clear post-LP postural headache, though this improved throughout hospitalization, with nausea moderately controlled on Benadryl. Neurology and Ophthalmology consulted, who both thought peri-neuritis was plausible, which is consistent given such rapid improvement with steroids. Pain moderately controlled with Tylenol. Oligoclonal bands and MBP CSF studies pending at time of discharge. Plan for 7-day steroid taper as an outpatient (outlined below in patient instructions), and Neurology follow-up in about 1 month. ID: Initially empirically covered with Ceftriaxone and Acyclovir, but once negative CSF, both were discontinued. He remained afebrile throughout remainder of hospitalization, so no further antibiotics started. Had remote history of immunodeficiency (confirmed here to be IgA deficiency), underwent more extensive immune work-up with lymphocyte subset 6 pending at time of discharge. Fen/GI: Nausea and poor PO intake secondary to headache and neurologic symptoms. Unremarkable KUB with no focal findings on exam. Tolerated good liquid PO intake prior to discharge, improving food intake with help of Benadryl and Reglan (Zofran did not help his nausea). Given risk of Reglan side effects, trial of Benadryl alone was given and relieved his nausea. Will discharge with Benadryl PRN for nausea, though expect this to improve. Heme: No blood transfusions required, no history of recent bleeding/trauma, no signs of active bleeding. Received TXA for three days following his LP performed on 6/28. Rheumatology: Patient has preexisting appointment with Rheumatology scheduled on 7/9 due to a history of intermittent joint pain/swelling with skin color changes since April 2020. Ordered requested Rheumatology labs by Doctor while patient is admitted. CRP and ESR resulted normal at 0.31 and 8 (respectively), C3 and C4 within normal limits, dsDNA and ANA negative. Repeat ESR on 6/30 also normal at 10. Pending labs include fecal procalcitonin. Follow up appointment with Rheumatology on 7/9. CV: Some concern for myocarditis at time of presentation given pleuritic chest pain, history of COVID-19 infection, and recent COVID-19 vaccination. EKG at that time revealed nonspecific T wave changes. However, troponin and BNP resulted negative and patient's chest pain has resolved at this time. Discussed with Cardiology who did not think further work-up was necessary. Chest pain completely resolved at time of discharge.
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2021-07-26 |
shortness of breath |
I don't know if any of his adverse events are related I wanted the CDC to be aware. He started feeli...
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I don't know if any of his adverse events are related I wanted the CDC to be aware. He started feeling uneasy, unwell, vomiting, itchy ears (both), upper chest pain, upper back pain and difficulty breathing. We went to the ER at 17:00 - 22:00 on 7/18 was discharged couldn't figure out what was happening was given medication for migraine, Benadryl, Loratadine.
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2021-07-26 |
shortness of breath |
chest pain, shortness of breath, myocarditis
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2021-07-27 |
shortness of breath |
He was having severe chest pain 10/10; Shortness of breath; Neck pain that radiated through his spin...
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He was having severe chest pain 10/10; Shortness of breath; Neck pain that radiated through his spine; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable physician (patients mother). A 15-years-old male patient received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2, formulation: Solution for injection), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration on 15May2021 (Batch/Lot number was not reported) as 1ST DOSE, SINGLE for covid-19 immunization. The patient medical history was not reported. The patient's concomitant medications were not reported. On 16May2021, the next night (second day) he was having severe chest pain 10/10, shortness of breath, neck pain that radiated through his spine, pulse oxygen level 98 percent and his heart rate was fine. Patient received the first dose of the covid vaccine on Saturday, and Sunday is when the severe symptoms started. Caller stated she gave him tylenol and then he was fine. On the third day symptoms improved. By Monday, patient was better. Caller stated her sons next dose is scheduled 05Jun2021. Reporter read new reports about myocarditis. Reporter does not know who to contact to figure out if patient should get the second dose of the covid vaccine. Reporter heard that after the second dose of the covid vaccine, symptoms get worse. Caller stated she had reported on V-safety. Reporter declined to complete a safety report. Reporter has already reported through VAERS. The outcome of events was recovered. Unable to clarify details provided or gather additional information. Caller notified that medical advice is not able to be provided but may have resources to help answer questions. Caller was provided with phone number of (number withheld), option 3, and hours of operation of Monday through Friday, 8AM to 8PM, Saturday and Sunday 9AM to 3PM for COVID-19 vaccine inquiries, prior to attempted warm transfer. Unable to warm transfer due to high call volume. Caller agreed to cold transfer. Information on the lot/batch number has been requested.
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2021-07-28 |
asthma, shortness of breath |
Platelets are at 20 & normal is 150-400; Has mild asthma; CBC shows the following are slightly low: ...
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Platelets are at 20 & normal is 150-400; Has mild asthma; CBC shows the following are slightly low: RBC, Hgb, & Hct; CBC shows the following are slightly low: RBC, Hgb, & Hct; CBC shows the following are slightly low: RBC, Hgb, & Hct; slightly elevated RDW SD; 16May2021 1:30am dyspnea - can't get satisfying deep breathe; bronchial inflammation on chest X-ray; Bloody nose 9:30am next day; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer. This 15-year-old male consumer (patient) received bnt162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Solution for injection), dose 1 via an unspecified route of administration, administered in Arm Left on 13May2021 16:15 (at the age of 15-years-old) (Batch/Lot Number: EW0175) as DOSE 1, SINGLE for covid-19 immunisation. Medical history included Asthma, migraines, small right sinus, ear tube hole in left eardrum and allergic to Weed, cat, dust, tree nuts, (nasonex, nasacort, dimetapp, topamax, amitriptyline, cyproheptadine) drug allergy from an unknown date and unknown if ongoing. Concomitant medications included fexofenadine hydrochloride (ALLEGRA), ibuprofen (MOTRIN [IBUPROFEN]) 2x, sodium alginate (GAVISCON [ALGELDRATE;SODIUM ALGINATE]) 1x and flinstone gummy taken for an unspecified indication, start and stop date were not reported. The patient had mild asthma. 14May2021 Bloody nose 9:30am next day, 16May2021 1:30am dyspnea - can't get satisfying deep breathe, 16May2021 Urgent Care - bronchial inflammation on chest X-ray, 4 puffs Albuterol followed by Decadron 16mg, then 2 more Albuterol puffs. No improvement. CBC shows the following are slightly low: RBC, Hgb, & Hct. Following are slightly elevated RDW SD. Platelets are at 20 & normal is 150-400 (medically significant). Alert & stable but tires easily going up/downstairs. Dr visit scheduled to recheck platelets on 20May2021. Patient underwent lab test chest X-ray which showed bronchial inflammation on 16May2021. CBC showed slightly low: RBC, Hgb, & Hct, Platelets are at 20 & normal is 150-400 and slightly elevated RDW SD on unspecified date. The patient had not received any other vaccine in four weeks, the patient took no treatment for events except bronchial inflammation. The patient prior to this had not received any covid vaccine, patient had not done covid test post vaccination. Outcome of the events CBC shows the following are slightly low: RBC, Hgb, & Hct, slightly elevated RDW SD, and Platelets are at 20 & normal is 150-400 was unknown. The outcome of other events was not recovered.